The Boar's Nest

The Boar's Nest is Hazzard's main bar and restaurant. In the TV series it's owned by Boss Hogg, who has an office there. It's also the place where Daisy works as a waitress.

The Boar's Nest first appeared on screen in the movie Moonrunners. It was based on a real bar which Jerry Rushing used to supply with his moonshine.
TV Series

One Armed Bandits, the very first episode of the TV series, established The Boar's Nest as Hazzard's primary place for socializing. As The Balladeer says in that episode, "The Boars Nest, owned by Boss Hogg, is the slickest club in Hazzard. All the elite go there. It has a $1 cover charge to keep out the riffraff." He also told us that "Boss eats at the Boar's Nest because his wife Lulu is a lousy cook."
For most of the time, Daisy was employed as a waitress (she was briefly fired in Officer Daisy Duke), which means that she got to keep an eye on Boss and Rosco's schemes.
The outside featured a large roof sign with a pictures of a running boar at the center. The boar appears to have been a tidier version of the one painted on the wall in Moonrunners. The edge of the roof was decorated with a selection of hubcaps. The phrases "World's Best Tastin' Bar-B-Que" and "Cold Beer" can be seen on the walls, with "Good Eats" also visible in the Georgia episodes.
Inside, the walls were filled with signs and license plates. For entertainment, there was a jukebox, pool table and pinball machine. The pinball machine has a 1972 Gottlieb "Jungle" cabinet with a 1971 Gottlieb "Sheriff" backglass. The Boar's Nest also has a stage which was used for various contests, as well as performances by country stars caught in Boss’s Celebrity Speed Trap.
In the very last episode, Opening Night at the Boar's Nest, it's revealed that there's a secret way out of the cellar, which was used as an escape route in Boss' moonshining days.

The Boar's Nest was much smaller in the the Reunion! TV movie. According to the Balladeer, "The old Boar's Nest was destoyed during a wedding reception, so a new one opened across town." Only the sign and the hubcaps bear any resemblance to building in the TV series.
When Bo and Luke arrive outside, Bo reminisces that the Boar's Nest was "Where we learned all our social skills." Luke replies, "That explains why we're still single."
2005 Movie

The Boar's Nest in the 2005 movie was a considerably larger establishment, like a bigger version of the one from the TV series. It even got a neon sign!
2007 Movie

In The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning, the most recent on-screen incarnation of the Boar's Nest, the setting changed once again. For the first time, there was no running boar on the sign, just text. The building and surrounding trees were decorated with strings of white lights.
Real Locations
The original on-screen Boar's Nest was a building at 572 GA-85, Haralson, GA 30229, USA. NB. Google Maps shows this address at the wrong location - it's actually next to Dollar General on the north side of Haralson.
TV Series
The building used in the Georgia episodes is still standing at 290 Flat Rock Rd, Oxford, GA 30054, USA (just north of Covington). It's now a church.
When the show moved to California, a slightly shorter replica Boar's Nest was constructed at Disney's Golden Oak Ranch. It was located next to the barn used to hide the RV in Find Loretta Lynn. The barn is still standing.
When filming moved to the Sherwood Ranch, so did the Boar's Nest. The location is now part of the Sherwood Country Club.
The final location of the TV series Boar's Nest was Valencia Oaks Movie Ranch. It was positioned in front of some light-colored rocks, which makes the location change easy to spot. After the series finished in 1985, the building, minus its Boar's Nest paraphernalia, was used in other shows including a season 4 episode of Knight Rider called "Out of the Woods". Possibly its last on-screen appearance was in a 1994 movie called Forced to Kill, which starred former Dukes stuntman Corey Eubanks, who also wrote it.
The new, smaller Boar's Nest was in Laramie Street, Warner Bros' Western set on their backlot. Laramie Street was replaced by a suburban residential street set some years ago.
2005 Movie
The building used in the 2005 movie is a real location. It's the Moonlight Inn at 16757 LA-42, French Settlement, LA 70733, USA.
2007 Movie
Another real location was used in the 2007 movie. It's the Hideaway Bar & Grill at 12122 Kagel Canyon Road, Sylmar, CA 91342, USA.