
From Dukes of Hazzard Wiki
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Wiki sites like this one rely on many contributors. Please try to keep to these simple rules:

  • Keep to the design layouts and conventions already in use.
  • Look at the source for other pages if you're unsure of how to do something.
  • Use the preview facility to check changes before submitting them.
  • Try to make all changes to a page in a single edit - it makes alterations much easier to track.
  • Use the summary field to tell other contributors what you changed.
  • Use good spelling and grammar.

  • Post incorrect or biased information.
  • Add multiple links to the same page within a single article.
  • Copy/paste text directly from other sites.
  • Post pictures for the sake of it. Keep them relevant, and don't add too many.
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  • Post spam links/advertising - you're just wasting everyone's time, including your own!

Some basics of Wiki Markup:

  • Use two single quotes to make text italic, e.g. ''Italic'' = Italic.
  • Use three single quotes to make text bold, e.g. '''Bold''' = Bold.
  • Use single square brackets to post external links, e.g. [ HazzardNet] creates a link like this: HazzardNet.
  • Use double square brackets to post internal links (just make sure the page exists), e.g. [[Bo Duke]] creates a link like this: Bo Duke.
  • Use an asterisk to create a bulleted list item (like these), e.g. * Bulleted list item.
  • Use a hash symbol to create a numbered list item, e.g. # Numbered list item.
  • Use double equals signs for a heading, e.g. == Heading ==.
  • Use triple equals signs for a subheading, e.g. === Subheading ===.