Season Five

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Season 5 Episode List

  1. The New Dukes
  2. Dukes Strike it Rich
  3. Lawman of the Year
  4. Coy Meets Girl
  5. The Hazzardgate Tape
  6. Big Daddy
  7. Vance's Lady
  8. Hazzard Hustle
  9. Enos in Trouble
  10. The Great Insurance Fraud
  11. A Little Game of Pool
  12. The Treasure of Soggy Marsh
  13. The Revenge of Hughie Hogg
  14. The Return of the Mean Green Machine
  15. Ding, Dong, the Boss is Dead
  16. Coy vs. Vance
  17. Comrade Duke
  18. Witness: Jesse Duke
  19. Welcome Back, Bo 'n' Luke
  20. Big Brothers, Duke
  21. Farewell, Hazzard
  22. Daisy's Shotgun Wedding