Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane

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Played by: James Best

Law enforcement's answer to Dopey. He tried, but like the balladeer once said, "Rosco's a good sheriff. He's just got too much on his mind." Boss, however, would debate how much of a mind Rosco actually had. Rosco's daily routine wouldn't be complete without chasin' after General Lee and sending his patrol car into Hazzard Lake or wrapping it around a tree. Every time though, he would walk away, get a new patrol car and do it all over again the following week. 99.9% of the time he was seen wearing his Sheriff's uniform with black cowboy hat. The first two seasons or so he wore a black jacket with it, but that disappeared at some point. Drove several different makes and models of patrol cars in the first season til finally settling with white 1977-78 Plymouth Fury police packages. Yup, he had a CB handle too: Bear. And that too was only mentioned in one episode.