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Dukes of Hazzard Fans Unhappy About “Party Down South” Promos

PDS_logo_281x211Dukes of Hazzard fans have made their frustrations and anger known to the powers that be at CMT that they don’t want Party Down South promoted during airing of the Dukes. It’s very clear why. The Dukes of Hazzard is a family show. Party Down South clearly ISN’T. Parents (and grandparents) have said they will not let their children watch the Dukes on CMT because the PDS promos are inappropriate for children to view. Party Down South is the anti-thesis of everything the Dukes stood for: family, personal responsibility, and strong moral values. You would never see any of the Dukes engaging in the kind of behavior depicted on PDS.

The sad thing is, CMT appears to be deaf to their viewers. Even with cast members like Ben Jones speaking out about it, no changes have yet been made. If they continue to ignore their audience, viewers will just start watching the show on dvd again, where they can watch all the scenes CMT has cut to add in more Party Down South commercials.

Double Episodes of Dukes of Hazzard on CMT!

Now you have twice as many reasons to stay up all night. CMT is airing 2 episodes of “The Dukes of Hazzard” back-to-back every night this week! So go ahead and have a pot of coffee with dinner, and stay awake to catch these classics:

The Dukes in Hollywood – Wed 11/16 at 1:00 a.m. 

Cool Hands Luke and Bo – Wed 11/16 at 2:00 a.m.

Go West Young Dukes – Thurs 11/17 at 1:00 a.m.

Cale Yarborough Comes to Hazzard – Thurs 11/17 at 2:00 a.m.

Danger on the Hazzard Express – Fri 11/18 at 1:00 a.m.

Sittin’ Dukes – Fri 11/18 at 2:00 a.m.

“Cool Hands Luke & Bo” offered fresh excitement late in the series, by getting the Dukes in a heap of trouble outside of Hazzard.  For once, the bad guys aren’t coming to Hazzard from out of town – they’re at home in Osage County, and the Dukes just happen to wander over there.  Nice goin’, boys.  And can anyone listen to Daisy’s emotional protest without feeling sympathy? It’s rare we see Daisy in tears, even if  just for a moment.

Another original idea is explored in “Go West Young Dukes.”  It’s the closest thing to time-travel that we get in The Dukes of Hazzard, and it’s pulled off rather well. This Duke-ified western admits the remarkable resemblance between the current day Dukes and their storied ancestors, and from there, it’s just plain fun. It’s obvious that John Schneider and Tom Wopat relished the opportunity to do something different.

In the not-so-great department, “Cale Yarborough Comes to Hazzard”  is ruined by the over-use of model cars doing stunts that do not look believable in the least.  This episode had the potential to be a touching story about how a celebrity race car driver helps a  sick little boy. Instead, it was overstuffed with poorly executed, unnecessary “action” scenes of matchbox cars flying over toy buildings and landscapes. 

On the positive, Cale performs his role well, and Bo delivers a couple bad puns that are worth it just for Luke’s expression. James Best, as Rosco, delivers an ad-lib that we probably shouldn’t even mention.  This scene has often been cut from the TNN and CMT airings to make room for more commercials. Good thing we YouTube’d it.

Get Ready for More of John Schneider!

He began as Bo Duke, but John Schneider’s career has a wide variety these days. John is starring in an upcoming CMT series called “Trick My What?” featuring mechanical makeovers for the working man’s machine. From fishing boats to tractors to semi trucks, watch as John and a team of ace mechanics restore and rev-up these blue collar vehicles.

“Trick My What?” premiers Friday, October 7 at 10:00 p.m. Eastern time. As always, check your local cable listings. Meanwhile, you can watch a preview of the program right here:

In other John Schneider news, John also stars in an independent film called “Doonby” which was slated for a September 2011 release.  At the time of this writing, we were unable to confirm a specific release date.

“Doonby” is the story about a mysterious drifter without a past who arrives in a small Texas town.  Initially he finds acceptance, but after showing a knack for always being at the center of a crisis – in order to render aid – suspicion and resentment begins to replace admiration.  Did his arrival herald the onset of the town’s sudden woes? Or was his arrival timed to help it endure them? Who is Doonby?  You’ll probably never find out, by the looks of the movie, but that’s sort of the point.  Check out the trailer:

More of a thoughtful, provocative flick than a feel-good warm fuzzy, “Doonby” could either win people over or cause their avoidance, much like the lead character.  In fact, when we went digging to find out what was going on with the release date, we found that the sub-plot deals with messages about abortion and alcoholism.  The movie has been dubbed something like “It’s a Wonderful Life” without the wonderful.  Nonetheless, there’s nothing wrong with a movie that makes you think.  Any movie can have killer robots or car chases; but movies that take a hard look at humanity are rare today.

“Doonby the Movie” shows 7,822 “likes” on Facebook.  If you’re anxious to see this movie, you’ll need to make some noise.  If you have already seen the movie in an advance screening, share your review with us in the Forums!

Dukes of Hazzard on CMT – Sunday Sept 25th!

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! See the thrills and chills of car-smashing action with The Dukes of Hazzard on CMT!  The episode “Hazzard Connection” airs at 6:30 p.m. Eastern time! Yes, 6:30 p.m., a family-friendly viewing hour! Check your local cable listings to confirm scheduling.

“Hazzard Connection” is a popular episode where Bo Duke enters a demo derby with the General Lee in order to stop a smuggling ring.  But will the smuggling ring stop him first, with their cement-filled slammer car? It’s crashing, crunchy action!

Immediately following “Hazzard Connection” is the episode “Witness for the Persecution” at 7:30 p.m. Eastern time.  Enjoy the fun as Boss Hogg hides out at the Duke farm and turns it upside down.  It will put visits from your in-laws into perspective.

By the way, the sign here was created by one of our members, Hoss C. Visit our Forums pages for more examples of his true-to-life Hazzard County signage.

Carnival of Thrills on CMT

The third season of The Dukes of Hazzard opened with a memorable two-part episode called “Carnival of Thrills.”  When Dukes fans talk about favorite episodes, this one is always near the top. The automotive stunts, fistfights, humor and family angst add up to one of the best-written stories of the series.

Carnival of Thrills could be described as a coming-of-brains story for Bo Duke.  After receiving flattery from pretty stunt-show owner Diane Benson, Bo eagerly signs up for the chance to commit what seems to be public suicide in front of a grandstand audience, committing to a 32-car jump.  The near-fatal wipeout of the previous stunt driver is no deterrent.

Concerned for Bo’s safety, the rest of the Duke family attempts to stop him.  Boss and Rosco also want to stop him for their own reasons, which leads to a rare cooperation by Luke with one of Rosco’s most brazen impound excuses.  As the General’s impound turns into a date with a car crusher, free-for-all fisticuffs ensue at the junkyard.  The General is saved, but Bo nurses a grudge all the way home. 

Irate at Luke’s well-meaning betrayal, Bo shoots off his mouth until Luke’s own temper responds with a challenge. The first battle royale between the cousins Duke is memorable for its swift eruption and realism.  The fight is broken up by Uncle Jesse who tries to restore peace to the family, but to no avail.  Bo leaves the farm while his emotions are raw, falling further into Diane’s arms. 

When the Duke family learns that the prior stunt driver’s accident was the result of sabatoge, they race the clock to stop Bo from making the jump. But the General Lee is primed and ready, and Bo is making his final preparations in front of a roaring crowd.  Can anyone stop Bo before something stops him for good?

Carnival of Thrills ushered in the best ratings season that The Dukes of Hazzard would enjoy during it’s run.  See why by watching it this weekend on CMT!  Part One airs Friday Sept 16 at 2:00 a.m. Eastern.  Part Two airs Saturday Sept 17 at 1:00 a.m. Eastern.  Check your local cable listings.  It’s the weekend, so go ahead and pull an all-nighter with The Dukes of Hazzard!

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