HazzardNet Employee of the Month

MaryAnne - Employee of the Month

HazzardNet proudly recognizes our first-ever Employee of the Month! Yes, while it’s true we only have three of us on the personnel roster, and we could just as easily draw straws for it, MeadowMufn and I sat in deep contemplation for at least a minute and a half before deciding our winner. The answer, at long last, was clear: neither of us wanted the title. And so we bestow the burden – er, honor, upon MaryAnne, just like we do everything else around here.

We also should point out that MaryAnne’s technical gifts have ensured countless events of spontaneous destruction, giving HazzardNet the kind of downtime that lets Mufn and I slack off considerably.

MaryAnne’s tireless devotion to duty and constant alertness have kept HazzardNet from devolving into utter chaos. We’ve even posted a photo of her in action to demonstrate what an invaluable contribution she makes. For all this and more, we thank her. SAL-UTE! Everyone, join us in commending MaryAnne for a job well done.

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