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  1. Like
    airdream got a reaction from RogerDuke in The Hazzard Garage (Cooter's Garage)   
    I am amazed at the work that went into reproducing Cooter's garage and also Rhuebottom's shop. What fun there must have been in the research and design!
  2. Like
    airdream got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in The Hazzard Garage (Cooter's Garage)   
    I am amazed at the work that went into reproducing Cooter's garage and also Rhuebottom's shop. What fun there must have been in the research and design!
  3. Love
    airdream reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in The Hazzard Garage (Cooter's Garage)   
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
  4. Wow
    airdream got a reaction from Andrea Como in Hazzard Square   
    We can virtually walk in Hazzard, that is not the old one but we can perceive some atmosphere. I would find a town in america which it provide this sensation to here.
    Do you know where is it possible ? 

  5. Like
    airdream got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Hazzard Square   
    Yes the blue house is the Boss Hog one. But the interior has changed , it's so sad. The 80s style of this home was so conforting.

    As i can't live in a story of Dukes of Hazzard, i recently started to trip on Google map, I found a lot of filming location near Covington, and i was so happy. I never footed US lands, (I am from France living in Japan). But for me, California have more nostalgic, because 98% of the show was filming here. I am aiming to visit all everything about Dukes Of hazzard one day.
  6. Like
    airdream got a reaction from RogerDuke in Hazzard Square   
    We can virtually walk in Hazzard, that is not the old one but we can perceive some atmosphere. I would find a town in america which it provide this sensation to here.
    Do you know where is it possible ? 

  7. Like
    airdream got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Hazzard Square   
    Yes the blue house is the Boss Hog one. But the interior has changed , it's so sad. The 80s style of this home was so conforting.

    As i can't live in a story of Dukes of Hazzard, i recently started to trip on Google map, I found a lot of filming location near Covington, and i was so happy. I never footed US lands, (I am from France living in Japan). But for me, California have more nostalgic, because 98% of the show was filming here. I am aiming to visit all everything about Dukes Of hazzard one day.
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