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  1. Like
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Garrett Duke in Forum Software Updated   
    I updated the forum software today. If you find any weirdness, post about it in this topic so I can check it out.
  2. Love
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from RogerDuke in A-Z Game   
    GUY, as in Waldron, creator of the show.
  3. Love
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    GUY, as in Waldron, creator of the show.
  4. Like
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from RogerDuke in Can you help, looking for a specific episode   
    Hoss knows everything.
  5. Like
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Can you help, looking for a specific episode   
    Hoss knows everything.
  6. Care
    Meadowmufn reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    Finally started to feel good physically but had a hard emotional hit today. I turned 64 (7 days after Bo turned 64) and it hit me that I will never again get a birthday call from my daughter. I'm sure when Father's Day comes around I'll get knocked down again since she was my only child. 
  7. Love
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Garrett Duke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. We had BBQ this year and it was delicious. Plus, we got to spend it with family this year, first time in 2 years.
  8. Thanks
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    We had snow here at the Mufn homestead a few weeks back, but looks like we won't have snow for Christmas. Might have some a few days later though. Wishing you all a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.
  9. Love
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. We had BBQ this year and it was delicious. Plus, we got to spend it with family this year, first time in 2 years.
  10. Like
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from RogerDuke in Christmas 2023   
    Deck the halls with boughs of holly...
  11. Haha
    Meadowmufn reacted to RogerDuke in A Birthday Saal-ute to Meadowmufn!   
    Oh! I get it! You mean on the website. For a second there I thought this was you and MM talking outside the Boar's Nest....about how to double our reactions. I think I'm out again. 
  12. Love
    Meadowmufn reacted to RogerDuke in A Birthday Saal-ute to Meadowmufn!   
    We love you MM. HazzardNet is the best website on the internet and it's a blessing to wish you happy birthday again. Happy birthday!
  13. Care
    Meadowmufn reacted to RogerDuke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    Thanks for all you do MM. Christmas was rougher than normal but I have a lot of blessings to be thankful for and it's always important to focus on the positive. I love everybody here and thanks for helping me through the tragedy. I just wish I could have been there for your Christmas BBQ! 
  14. Care
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A Birthday Saal-ute to Meadowmufn!   
    Thanks, everyone! I had a good birthday, despite some rough times my family has been going through. Looking forward to the new year.
  15. Like
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from RogerDuke in A Birthday Saal-ute to Meadowmufn!   
    Thanks, everyone! I had a good birthday, despite some rough times my family has been going through. Looking forward to the new year.
  16. Love
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from RogerDuke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. We had BBQ this year and it was delicious. Plus, we got to spend it with family this year, first time in 2 years.
  17. Love
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    We had snow here at the Mufn homestead a few weeks back, but looks like we won't have snow for Christmas. Might have some a few days later though. Wishing you all a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.
  18. Love
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from RogerDuke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    We had snow here at the Mufn homestead a few weeks back, but looks like we won't have snow for Christmas. Might have some a few days later though. Wishing you all a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.
  19. Love
    Meadowmufn reacted to HossC in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    Right, Skipper, let's get some things straight. Firstly you need to calm down and stop over-reacting. You posted several times last night that you were leaving even though no one asked you to, you posted three or four questions to me and sent me a similar number of private messages despite the fact that it was night-time where I live and I was asleep!
    I will repeat this mantra - HazzardNet is a forum, not Facebook. Please don't post something just because it pops into your head and then your next thought five minutes later and repeat ad nauseum. Consider your posts and think whether they're worthwhile. As a moderator, I try to read all the new posts, and at moment about three quarters of them are yours. Many times you make multiple posts one after the other when a single, well thought out post would have been much better. In the end you're spreading out the interesting stuff and diluting the content.
    Being a forum, HazzardNet is about discussion, but you've been starting numerous off-topic threads lately (mainly about movies) and then flooding them with posts even though no one else has shown any interest in the subject. An interaction takes two sides. HazzardNet is not your personal space to post everything you know about a movie or TV show. Either keep that to Facebook or start your own website.
    As Boss JD Hogg says above, "If you're posting a quote that's not accurate then it's not actually a quote from the show. Why bother if it's not an accurate quote." If you don't think it's worth digging out your DVDs to check them, then it's not worth posting. The fact that you couldn't spend less than 30 seconds googling "draconian" proves that you don't spend much time researching your posts. The quotes should be short one-liners or interactions that are funny and/or memorable - the sort of thing you'd tell a friend. Anything longer is just an excerpt of the script.
    For the time being, why not try what Roger suggested and "take a day or 2 to cool off". After that, forget about posting in all your off-topic threads unless other members show an interest. Put more time and thought into the posts you do make, and maybe limit yourself to five considered posts a day across the whole forum. Concentrate on quality over quantity!
  20. Like
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Rosco stole the General Lee again... LOL.   
    I'm playing around with some of the settings and did some pretty hilarious stuff tonight. Hopefully, I'll have a few more videos out this week. Depends on how much time I have.
  21. Haha
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Rosco stole the General Lee again... LOL.   
    I recently bought BeamNG.drive and have been playing around with it. I found out they have a General Lee mod. There's no Charger in the game, so it's basically just General Lee livery on a somewhat similar car body. Crashing is extremely fun in the game because of physics. So, I figured maybe Rosco would take the General Lee out for a little run. I recorded it and made a short video of it. Added a few sound clips from the show at the end too. I hope you enjoy.
  22. Haha
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The No Santa Claus Clause Challenge!   
    Ok, now that we got the Christmas challenge done, I propose a Valentine's Day challenge. Woo woo!! *ahem* LOL.
  23. Haha
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The No Santa Claus Clause Challenge!   
    Nevermind. I'm a little dense lately. Chock it up to too many late night patrols. Khee!
  24. Haha
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    I think it's because the round robins have turned into Angry Birds.

  25. Haha
    Meadowmufn got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    Go buy a turtleneck to get through the nuclear winter. ROFL.
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