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Dukes of Hazzard Stunt Show in Ohio!

Want to see the General Lee and Hazzard County patrol cars in dirt-flying, chase-and-crash action? Then you’ll want to be at the Lake County Fair in Painesville, Ohio this Saturday! 

The Northeast Ohio Dukes are once again presenting their famous Hazzard County Stunt Show on August 20th at 7:30 p.m.

This is a live action automotive spectacle that plays out like a Dukes of Hazzard episode, with the all the excitement of roaring engines and smashing metal. This show always draws a large crowd, so get to the grandstands early!

You don’t get to see vehicular mayhem like this every day! Unless you’re watching The Dukes of Hazzard. Still, you don’t want to miss seeing the General Lee “in person” as it takes to the air!

Visit the Lake County Fair website for directions and details.  Enjoy the show!

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