Become a Fan of HazzardNet at Facebook

Took us long enough, but we finally got serious about getting HazzardNet on Facebook. Oh, we were there if you looked hard enough, but we finally set up a fan page and, well, got around to tellin’ y’all about it! If you’re on Facebook, you can now become a fan of HazzardNet. Just check out our Facebook page. Also, if you are on Twitter, you can catch all our Facebook activity and tweets at

Fun and Games in the Forums

There’s a lot going on in our forums and we thought we’d take some time to highlight some of the fun threads.

The trivia section has been growing these last few months. Several of our members have been participating in trivia and several other games designed to test your knowledge of the show. Swing by the Dukes of Hazzard trivia section to check them out.

Visit the Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia thread where you can find some fun and challenging questions regarding all the episodes. Duke or Dupe is a fun game where you have to guess from two things which was really on the show and which was not. We also have a DOH Memory game where you have to guess which episode the posted pictures are from. And just this week, another trivia game was added, Star Trivia, which focuses on trivia about the cast.

So, come visit our trivia section and see if you can unseat some of our trivia masters!

Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Nights

One of our members, MinDuke, will be hosting Trivia Nights in the HazzardNet chatroom every Saturday evening for 2 hours starting at 5pm eastern/8pm pacific. At the end of the year, the top scorers for the year will have a chance at prizes and bragging rights in the trivia championship.

Our first trivia night was last Saturday, January 3rd. The winner was Meadowmufn (me). *Takes a bow.* I, however, am not eligible for competition in the championship, seeing as I’m putting up the prizes. The runner up was RogerDuke. Congrats, Roger!

Complete information and rules.

HazzardNet Christmas Party: Night Two

The second and final night of the HazzardNet Christmas Party was a blast. We had another round of Guess the Christmas Carol. DaisyMaeDuke blew away the competition yet again, with BoJamesDuke coming in a close second. Santa swung by and brought some small gifts for all the participants. There was also a visit from Nasty the 9th Reindeer, played by one Brian Coltrane. Since we strive to be a family site, we won’t go into details. Suffice it to say, a fun time was had by all, despite the barroom brawl that briefly broke out.  Next time, a little more egg and a lot less nog. 🙂

Merry Christmas, y’all!

HazzardNet Christmas Party: Night One

Well, we had a good turn out for the first night of our online Christmas party and we had a blast! We had a rousing round of “Guess the Christmas Carol”, which Lukas_KD and DaisyMaeDuke won in a tie for a pair of Amazon gift certificates. We also posted some of HazzardNet’s Christmas Critters in the gallery. Swing by and check them out or post some critters of your own! We’ll be back in the chat room for party number two tomorrow night (Monday, December 21st) at 8pm Eastern for more fun and games! Thanks to everybody who showed up.

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