What you are about to read is a prelude to a fanfic... this is
our own unique form of advertisement. =)
Deputies Wanted
Brian Coltrane
3/23/00 5:37 am
To fill anticipated vacancies in the Hazzard County Sheriff's Department. Ideal targets (candidates) should have quick wits and steady nerves, as well as a strong tolerance for lead. Fast runners encouraged to apply. Note, these positions may be temporary.
(Just seein' if you're payin' attention, MaryAnne)
To MaryAnne
Roscoooo P. Coltrane
3/24/00 11:23am
Just wanted to warn you, MaryAnne. Our no account cousin, Brian Coltrane,
has been spotted in Hazzard. Now, I don't know what he's up to this
time, but I can assure you it's no good. Be careful. Please report
in every hour on the hour when you're out on patrol. You know how I
worry about you. =)
That slimy, low-life cousin of ours better not show his face around
here again or so help me I'll put him UNDER the jail!
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 5:27pm
That's a big ten-four, Rosco. =) I thought I had seen his car, but wasn't sure. Whatever he's up to, he better reconsider...for his own safety. (LOL)
You put him under the jail, cousin, I'll be right there beside ya with a shovel and cement. Khee khee!!
I'm gone...
Syndicate Job Fair
Brian Coltrane
3/24/00 6:01 pm
Have a criminal record? A tendancy to misbehave? Then you might be qualified to join us. We're looking for some heavy-handed thugs to join us in our current project. If you enjoy violence and want to make some easy money, this is the job for you. For an offer you can't refuse, contact Brian Coltrane, c/o the Atlanta Syndicate.
Re: Deputies Wanted
3/24/00 1:57 am
DOH! MaryAnne, you gunna let that no account Coltrane cousin of yours
get away with postin' a message like that??! You'd better watch your
mouth around here, Brian, or we'll cuff ya n' stuff ya! Granted we
can catch ya... =)
Wanted: Brian Coltrane
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 7:21 am
Wanted for breaking every damn law in the book, and for lacking any
good sense. Tends to shoot his mouth off a lot, which in turn is getting
him into more and more trouble. Has no authority to post about any
positions (available or not) within the Hazzard County Sheriff's Department.
Last seen wearing a black leather jacket with a hole in the shoulder
(that's both the jacket AND his shoulder, folks, courtesy of Sheriff
Rosco) and driving a black as yet unnamed model Chevy.
There is a reward. Bounty hunters are encouraged to participate in the apprehension of this varmint. No questions asked...
Deputy MaryAnne Coltrane
Hazzard County Sheriff's Department
3/24/00 7:22 pm
I just got to this part of Hazzard County, but I've met Brian Coltrane and I know how much trouble he can be, I'll keep my eye out for him and if ya need any help apprehending that varmit I'm there!
An Interested Outsider
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 7:56 pm
That's much appreciated, ma'am. We'll keep you in mind. =)
Lookin’ for a few good deputies
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 8:20 pm
Hey, y'all it's your favorite (and only female) Hazzard County Mountie here. The HCSD is looking for a few good deputies. For all y'all who heard Rosco's radio transmission, you know I don't need to say that we need some help. All interested candidates should apply at the HCSD Club.
Training is provided. Patrol cars are not. (Hey, we only got THREE!) Khee!
Deputy MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 8:22 pm
Thank you and I just want to say that I love your county, so quiet and peaceful. I am looking forward to living here, even though I'd rather see that scoundrel behind bars...or even better under the jail.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 8:35 pm
Well, ma'am, Rosco, Enos, Cletus, Flash, Bandit and I all try hard to keep the peace here in Hazzard. As long as you don't mind loud exhausts and lotsa YEEEHAAAA's! you've come to the right place. =) MaryAnne
3/24/00 8:34 pm
Bri really ain't as bad as you guys make him seem. Yes he can be loud mouthed. Yes he does have a very criminal past and yes he can be nasty. But under all that, on the rare occasion he can be nice, if you look hard enough to find that one spark of human decency ... it is there, buried deep.
Someone who knows Brian well.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 8:43 pm
I'll admit that that spark of human decency does exist for Bri...but unfortunately the spark that comes from a bullet leaving a gun barrel tends to come easier for him than anything else.
3/24/00 8:54 pm
That is true. He is always quick to use that gun. Though that black leather jacket of his is also filled with many hidden weapons some possibly more dangerous then the gun. Kinda like his personality but is worthy of admiration.
A "friend" of Brian's
In Brian's Defense
Agent Lee S.
3/24/00 8:50 pm
I have been chasing Brian for years now, as a federal agent, however in chasing him I have developed a great respect for him, and he really isn't as bad as he first appears, he does have some sense of decency. Actually I've tried on more than one occasion to recruit him and get him to put his exceptional talent to use on the side of truth and justice.
In defense of a worthy adversary,
Lee S.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:01 pm
Hmmm... that would be cute. Bri in a Fed uniform! ROFL!! The day Bri
sees the side of truth and justice is the day the Pope converts to
Hinduism, the day pigs fly, the day hell freezes over and the day the
Boston Red Sox win the freakin' world series!!
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:05 pm
He's worthy of a jail cell with a window and nothing else.
Agent Lee S.
3/24/00 9:06 pm
I understand your position...all I'm saying is that somewhere in there is decency...besides, we do occasionally need to make official hits and he would be perfect for the job...
Lee S.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:13 pm
Yeah, y'all can have him!! Just keep him the heck outta Hazzard!!
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:10 pm
Well, I seriously doubt his potshots at me n' MaryAnne are "official" govt. hits. If you can keep him from shootin' at us, he's all yours!
3/24/00 9:12 pm
He ain't all that BAD I have came upon worse then him in my day and most
of those were all cops. Nothing worse then a crooked cop.
Brian Coltrane
3/24/00 9:14 pm
That wasn't anything personal, Sheriff. I apologize for missin'. I'll try again later, so don't go too far, okay?
Best of luck,
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:16 pm
Umm....Rosco, care to comment on the hole in Bri's shoulder???
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:17 pm
Alright, Brian! I see ya there! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE! Or I'll part yer
hair! No one takes potshots at the Sheriff of Hazzard County or his
deputies and gets away with it!
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:23 pm
That's right!! *standing right beside Rosco with gun drawn*
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:24 pm
Don't make any sudden moves.
3/24/00 9:25 pm
Well it was just POTSHOTS not like he was trying to shoot ya to kill ya or nothin' otherwise you'd be six feet under already.
Re: Potshots
Brian Coltrane
3/24/00 9:25 pm
Everybody knows you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with reading
Message for Brian
Agent Lee S.
3/24/00 9:26 pm
Brian, you sure you don't want to come over to my side? You might actually make it out of here alive...they already told me we could have you as long as we took you out of the county.
Agent Lee. S
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:26 pm
This may be your only chance, Bri.
Agent Lee S.? Once you get Bri outta Hazzard he is to NEVER return. Understood?
Boss Hogg will have no more use for me working at the Boar's Nest if
I have too many dang scars on my legs. (ROFL)
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:26 pm
*looking confused* Why would a barn be wearing reading glasses?
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:27 pm
I'm afraid Bri, you've been terribly mislead about Rosco's shootin' ability...
Or have you forgotten already?? *looks at the hole in yer jacket*
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:30 pm
Tell that to MaryAnne! My poor cousin and deputy is limpin' around because
of Brian! She's lucky he didn't get a good clean shot or she wouldn't
be here to insult him today.
Brian Coltrane
3/24/00 9:35 pm
If you cops were smart, you'd put the guns away and back up nice and
easy...my boys got ya covered.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:37 pm
*looks at Rosco* I dunno about you Rosco, but I've never been accused of being too smart....*keeps gun trained on Bri*
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:38 pm
*taking another shot at it.. still confused*
A gun makes a better weapon than reading glasses.. why would I hit a barn with reading glasses? *confused mumbling*
MaryAnne, do you know what he's talking about??
Brian Coltrane
3/24/00 9:40 pm
*looks at MaryAnne in sympathy* Cripes, if me and my boys took out the
law in Hazzard, we’d be doing’ this town a favor.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:40 pm
Rosco! *rolls eyes* He means you don't know how to shoot the dang thing, whether it be hitting a barn or a dime!!!
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:41 pm
*to MaryAnne* No, I ain't never been accused of bein' too smart. I think he's bluffin'.
Ya hear that, Bri?! I think you're bluffin'! You're all alone out here,
so drop yer weapon and give up.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 9:42 pm
No, you wouldn't! You just got Rosco a little flustered that's all...
*gives Rosco a sideways glance* Hush!
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:44 pm
Doh! I do too! Watch... see that sign wayyyyy over there?? Dead center..
watch this...
*takes aim*
*takes deep breath*
*bullet hits Brian's foot and he jumps*
DOH! I missed
Brian Coltrane 3/24/00 9:46 pm
*jumps* OW! Dang it, Sheriff...good thing these are steel-toed boots.
3/24/00 9:47 pm
You're wrong sheriff. He ain't alone. So why don't you too just play nice and put them guns away. Be thankful you are just limpin' deputy and not buried.
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/24/00 9:48 pm
Doh! Uhhh.. MaryAnne... that wasn't you that said that, was it? Uhhh..
If it was, dat ain't funny.
Syndicate Openings
Brian Coltrane
3/24/00 10:29pm
Why be a Deputy, when you could join the Atlanta Syndicate? Due to our
rapid expansion into rural Georgia, we have positions available in
Larceny, Loan-sharking, Shakedowns, and Contract Fulfillment. Why settle
for a dead-end (and we mean DEAD end) job when you can make easy money?
For an offer you can't refuse, contact Brian Coltrane.
New openings for deputies
3/24/00 10:43 pm
What's this I hear about deputies for hire? You ain't out to frame the
Dukes again are you, Rosco? MaryAnne, I'm always here if you need a
little help.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/24/00 10:45 pm
Nope, Rosco ain't out to get the Dukes. We're trying to save their lives,
and ours too!! There's a no account Coltrane running amuck here in
town and he's DANGEROUS.
Daney Duke
3/24/00 10:45 pm
I'm with you. It looks pretty interesting over at HCSD right now.
MaryAnne, if you need any help… just give a holler, Daisy and I wouldn't mind being deputies for the HCSD.
And yes MaryAnne you are our favorite deputy in Hazzard. So go catch
that cousin of yours.
CJ Duke
3/25/00 5:18pm
Hey MaryAnne, Oh CJ here with my cousin Roy and we want to say go get
him. However if you need any help just give us a call on Rebel's CB
and I'm sure we could give you a hand to catch the varmit. You hear
that Brian Coltrane, you better not mess with Mary Anne Coltrane cause
she's got friends. CJ Duke
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/25/00 5:28 pm
Ha! How ya like them apples, Brian? Thanks ladies (Daisy, Daney, Rose). Rosco and I need all the help we can get.
Re: Syndicate Openings
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/25/00 5:33pm
Dead-end job? Umm...Brian, I think that describes YOUR future...er, job, more than mine....
Don't listen to him folks. This varmint is gonna be stopped before he spreads his evil all over Hazzard and tries to wipe out me and Rosco in the process. I tip my hat to those of you who have joined us at the HCSD. There are still positions open folks.
Re: Lookin’ for a few good deputies
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/25/00 5:35pm
That's a big ten-four, CJ!
Yeah, and Brian? I'm sure you're aware how explosive moonshine and dynamite arrows can be sometimes....
Target Practice
Brian Coltrane
3/25/00 6:49 pm
The more the merrier. Glad to know you have so many friends, MaryAnne.
I got enough ammo for everybody. <evil KHEE!>
Enjoy it while you last…
Brian Coltrane
3/25/00 6:55pm
'Cause I'm sure I'll have a BLAST meeting all of
MaryAnne's little friends. Heh heh heh. A backwater police department
and a handful of farmers ain't no match for the Syndicate. Y'all just
take a number and get in line, and I'll get to ya.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/25/00 7:08 pm
Hey, at least I have FRIENDS. And you, thankfully, are not one of them. Nor will you ever be.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/25/00 7:21pm
Sure, we'll take a number and get in line...to kick you're TAIL!! I'm gonna enjoy this....
Brian Coltrane
3/25/00 7:22 pm
That's cold, cousin. Real cold. No Christmas cards for you and Rosco
this year. I'll make sure your graves have pretty flowers, though.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/25/00 7:27 pm
Oh gee...no Christmas cards.. I'm so heartbroken. Don't call me cousin, you S.O.B. Your grave probably won't even be marked...
3/25/00 8:23 pm
Go get 'em Rosco!
Brian Coltrane
3/25/00 9:08 pm
Boss, I figured you'd be on my side. I got connections...
rsnthrns 3/25/00
9:15 pm
Remember--you don't approve of violence in Hazzard!!
Just a healthy reminder,
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/25/00 9:22 pm
I don't approve of violence either...but I can't help it if a formerly-now-no-longer recognized relative has been sucked into the dark side...
This can always be settled outside of the county line...
Re: Enjoy it while you last…
S_Stodola 3/25/00 10:03pm
Brian, we "small-town cops" and "farmers" have dealt
with your kind before. And you'll get the same treatment! I'm with
MaryAnne and Rosco too! Yee-haaaa!!!!
Brian Coltrane
3/25/00 10:52pm
Anybody else want to join the side of the law? Go ahead. It'll be the
last mistake you'll ever make...
Brian Coltrane
3/25/00 11:02 pm
MaryAnne, I'm surprised to hear ya talk about Rosco that way.
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/25/00 11:52 pm
Hush! Just hush! She wasn't talkin' about me, you road apple! She was
talkin' about you. *shakes fist angrily at Brian*
Daney Duke 3/26/00 12:37am
Being on MaryAnne's side is never the wrong side. You’re just
jealous everyone likes her better than you. I wouldn't want to be in
your shoes if Mary Anne gets you outside the county line.
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 2:23am
Daney, I'm glad MaryAnne's so popular. It means her funeral's gonna have a great turnout.
Keep looking over your shoulder.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 10:57am
Ha! That's what you think! I ain't gonna have no funeral and you are soon going to find out that you're the one who has made a mistake by coming here to Hazzard. You can talk the talk all you want, but we'll see when the moment comes as to whether or not you can walk the walk.
Assuming, of course, you can still walk....
Re: Syndicate Openings
3/26/00 11:15am
I am currently looking for employment in one of the areas you mentioned. I can't REFUSE your offer...please contact me so we can discuss my joining your organization.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 11:46am
ACK!!! Fawn, wait a minute!! Don't do this!! OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! Fawn, I’M BEGGIN' you to reconsider, for your own safety!! He's BAD Fawn, LISTEN TO ME!!!
3/26/00 12:00pm
I'm sorry MaryAnne but I've had it with being good. You and your cousin have chased me and my cousins and my brother all over Hazzard. Rosco and Boss have framed my family more times than I can COUNT! I think its time you and Rosco paid and I'm gonna use YOUR cousin to do it!
Min (Fawn)
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 12:07pm
*GASP!* MIN! It was never anything personal! I can't believe this! I thought we were FRIENDS! I never tried to frame your family and you know I've given Rosco hell enough for doing it! My God....
*a very shocked and saddened* MaryAnne
Daney Duke
3/26/00 1:15pm
Mary Anne,
Don't be sad if that cousin of mine Min wants to be a traitor. She'll see the error of her ways when you and Rosco catch that no good varmit Brian. And Bri, you better be watching over your shoulder. Mary Anne ain't the only one looking for ya now.
Daney Duke
3/26/00 1:19 pm
Daisy, Bo, Luke,
Brian got MIN to join his side.
Rsnthrns 3/26/00 2:20pm
I know the Dukes have no love lost for the Coltranes. But y'all never
wanted any harm to come to ol' Rosco or MaryAnne!
Your friend,
Brian Coltrane 3/26/00 3:57pm
Welcome aboard, Min. At least somebody in this town has some smarts. How's your aim?
Brian Coltrane
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 4:00 pm
Anybody else want to change sides before it's too late? *evil khee*
3/26/00 4:03pm
Hi Brian,
My AIM is excellent! With any weapon of you’re choosing, including bow and arrow… :) And thank you for the compliment, I AM the only one in this little one-horse town with some brains. Anything you want to know about my family or the Coltranes I'll gladly VOLUNTEER. Thanks to my friendship with MaryAnne I have more Coltrane info then EVER before! I'm sure it'll come in HANDY.
3/26/00 4:07pm
Why you little varmit! How dare you betray confidences. Shame shame everybody knows your name! You disgrace the good name of Duke! And believe you me, if I'M on the Dukes side, somethin's up! You better watch out. Bo'll blast your ass off the map!
The Boss Man
3/26/00 4:08 pm
Awww Daney, don't worry about little ol' me... and YES I am on Brian's
side! Min
3/26/00 4:09pm
Hey Boss,
You better WATCH who you call names there you white bowl of marshmallow FLUFF! The next time you get a ham hock could be your LAST!
3/26/00 4:12pm
WELL! I never! I'm hollerin' for Lulu now. She'll flatten your sorry
posterior in no time flat seeing how she topped 800 pounds last night.
She's got to lay off the pickled pig's feet...
3/26/00 4:15pm
Are you sure Lulu is THERE Boss? How do you really know? Maybe she DISAPPEARED? :) If I were you I would check on the whereabouts of my wife before I start threatening someone with her! :)
3/26/00 4:17pm
LAMYKINS! WHERE'S MY LAMYKINS? What have y'all done with my big cupcake?????????
HELP! My little pudgy popcicle's gone!!!!
3/26/00 4:19pm
:) She sure is! And I haven't done anything with her yet... that's up to Brian. Shall I start the cement mixer Brian?
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 4:20 pm
It's treason in the highest degree!!! Min Duke, you're gonna be sorry you made this ill-fated decision. Mark my words, Miss Duke, mark my words....
Nice work!
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 4:21pm
I'm impressed, Min. You seem to have a natural talent for this sort of
thing. Good job.
Re: Syndicate Openings
3/26/00 4:21pm
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! ROSCO! Get over here and stop them before they make
concrete a la Lulu!
Re: Syndicate Openings
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 4:22pm
Ahh!!! They got LULU!! Don't worry, Boss, I ain't gonna let anything happen to her. She's a COLTRANE too!
Brian, Min....this is WAR...
Re: Nice work!
3/26/00 4:23pm
Thank you Brian! So shall I start the mixer or what do you want me to do with Lulu?
Re: Syndicate Openings
3/26/00 4:25pm
Bring it on, Coltrane! You better be NICE or Lulu won't be the ONLY relative missing... Can we say...? As in my dear sweet Cousin Luke...
Re: Nice work!
3/26/00 4:26pm
Re: Nice work!
3/26/00 4:27pm
We ain't scared of your big TALK are we Brian? And the only one that's gonna get FRIED is your wife!
Re: Nice work!
3/26/00 4:28pm
3/26/00 4:29 pm
OOOO I am so SCARED MaryAnne Coltrane! Look at me shaking in my heels
*shake shake* And the only thing I'm sorry for is that I didn't join
Brian a long time ago! Min
Re: Syndicate Openings
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 4:31pm
Umm....Luke's not my relative, he's yours darlin'. I think you're a wee bit confused. (ROFL). Although, if you're willing to sacrifice your own kin, then it's clear you have a few screws loose and you're in good company with Brian there.
Re: Nice work!
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 4:34pm
Boss!! Simmer down now, or we're gonna land Lulu in deeper doo doo than she's already in!! SHEESH!
Look, I gotta plan okay...
Re: Syndicate Openings
3/26/00 4:35pm
True he IS my relative… Think about that... I'm sure he will be thinking about that little fact when he joins Lulu in her hiding place! So there is not one but TWO residents of Hazzard that are missing! :)
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 4:36 pm
You're sorry you didn't join with him a long time ago? Why, so you could
die young??? MaryAnne
Re: Nice work!
3/26/00 4:37pm
What's the plan, MaryAnne?
Min’s instructions
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 4:37pm
Patience, my ambitious friend. The best way to dispose of Lulu is to
starve her to death.
Re: Min’s Instructions
3/26/00 4:38pm
OH, HA! She's got enough blubber to last her ten years or more! SO, (sticks
tongue out and blows a raspberry!)
Re: Nice work!
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 4:40pm
Just stay calm Boss...just stay calm...nothing's gonna happen to Lulu...I
guarantee it. MaryAnne
An offer to MaryAnne
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 4:46 pm
Deputy, listen to reason. Why get this little town destroyed, and risk
your hide, when you could join us? Take off that badge, cousin, and
join the Syndicate. Rosco's practically a charter member already. Don't
turn to slow corruption like the Sheriff did. Embrace it with open
arms and reap the benefits. Think about it carefully, MaryAnne...I
won't make this offer again. Brian Coltrane
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 4:53 pm
Your offer has been DECLINED!!! I will never become the likes of you. Rosco is NOT IN ANY WAY LIKE ANY OF YOU. He doesn't KILL PEOPLE. Rosco, you're not gonna let Brian talk that kinda trash are you???? The only benefit in your line of work is guarantee of an early retirement and not one you can enjoy....
3/26/00 4:55 pm
Oh get REAL MaryAnne, you can't beat us... And you know the old saying if you can't beat 'em.. join 'em! :) And if Rosco DOES join us not only will be RETIRE but in STYLE with more money than Boss Hogg! :)
Re: Min’s instructions
3/26/00 4:57pm
I am patient Brian. I snatched Luke as well and we certainly can't STARVE him! LOL why don't you use that WONDERFULLY EVIL criminal brain of yours to think of what we are going to do with my sweet Cousin Luke! :)
That may be, Boss…
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 5:01
But at least she'll suffer. *EVIL KHEE* Now, if you don't want that to happen, you'll start paying her "health insurance" premiums on a daily basis. Miss a payment, and Lulu misses a day's rations. Get the picture?
Brian Coltrane
Any openings left?
3/26/00 5:22 pm
If so, count me in!! Let's kick this scum out of our town!!!
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 5:35 pm
Welcome Chase! Yes, we have openings available here at HCSD. Glad you could join us.
Oh Poor Little Luke! :(
3/26/00 5:44pm
Oh my POOR little cousin... he's all tied up, his mouth taped.. WONDERING if anyone is going to come rescue him! *sniff sniff* Oh boo hoo! the POOR thing! If anyone only KNEW where he was! :) And I'm sure he’s wondering when Y’ALL are coming to get him :) Maybe I should tighten those ropes! *laughing loudly*
Instructions for Min
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 5:51pm
I admire your enthusiasm, Min, but remember who's in charge here. We take this town one job at a time. Let the Duke go for now.
Brian Coltrane
Re: Oh Poor Little Luke! :(
3/26/00 5:52pm
Luke!!! They got LUKE!!! DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!!!!
Re: Instructions for Min
3/26/00 5:58pm
Very well Brian, you are the one in charge and if your wish is to let Luke go then that is what I will do. MaryAnne.... go to Fire Gully Ridge, you'll find Luke there.
Luke’s triumphant return to Hazzard…
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 6:03pm
Ha! You made a mistake, Brian...and you'll make more before this is over with...
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 6:03pm
Don't get cocky, Deputy. I'm pacing myself is all.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 6:12pm
For those of you who have joined our program in progress. What you are reading is an advertisement of sorts for an upcoming fanfic, in which Brian Coltrane comes to Hazzard and...well...basically makes everybody's lives miserable. ROFL. Especially for the Dukes, Rosco and MaryAnne. In a sense, this is kind of like a role playing game, seeing as many of you have joined with us (or against us LOL) as either characters you've created in fanfic or as characters on the show. To catch up, many of you should probably go back to the message titled "To MaryAnne" written by roscoooo_p_coltrane. That's where it all starts folks. Plus, there is action going on over at the HCSD club as well. You don't necessarily have to take part in this, you can just read. I promise that we will try not to let this drag on TOO LONG as I'm sure many of you will probably want to get back to the REGULAR programming. ROFL.
Lisa (MaryAnne)
Re: Luke’s triumphant return to Hazzard.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/26/00 6:14pm
Take yer time, Brian...take yer time...don't let anything get outta control on ya now...muhahahahaha
Hey Min
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 6:27 pm
Looks like we'd better stock up on ammo. There's new blood in town. And
I do mean new blood...heh heh heh.
3/26/00 6:32 pm
I got it covered! Let's just say I did a little "shopping"! I got plenty of everything we are going to need to bring this one-horse town to its KNEES! :)
Pickin' up Luke
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/26/00 6:57 pm
*Rosco drove out to meet Luke at the appointed place. As soon as Luke entered the patrol car he gave Rosco the whereabouts of Bri's hideout.*
You sure about that Luke? Let's head on over there and see if we can't
wreak some havoc of our own. Khee! I'll transmit the location of the
hideout on our secret frequency, MaryAnne. Meet me there! Khee!
Bear out.
Hey Brian
3/26/00 9:33 pm
Bri, long time no see buddy. If you need some help from a mercenary/black
op friend I am here for you, and it'll be just like ol' times ;)
Welcome aboard
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 10:43 pm
The Syndicate is glad to have ya, Black Sheep. We've got a kidnappin' done already thanks to Min. Before we get much more accomplished, I'm afraid we might have to take out a certain Deputy. More instructions to follow.
Brian Coltrane
10:49 pm
Whatever you say, Bri. Just tell me what to do and I'll see to it that it gets done.
Black Sheep
Sorry it has to be this way…
Brian Coltrane
3/26/00 10:54pm
But you leave me little choice, Deputy. Either you, Rosco, and the rest
of the town backs off...or the flags in Hazzard will soon be at half-mast
in your honor. Better to live smart than die brave, cousin. Heed my
11:08 pm
Hello Black Sheep, welcome to our little crime family. And as Brian said, I kidnapped Lulu Hogg, but she isn't the problem. A certain Deputy IS however. Brian, anything you want me to do, let me know.
Daisy Duke
3/27/00 1:20 am
Yeah I just heard and it’s awful to have a turncoat Duke in the family.
Now they have Lulu too.
Brian Coltrane
Agent Lee S.
3/27/00 4:49 am
As an admiring former adversary I am offering you any help and resources you may need. Anything you need you just let me know. I'll be there.
Lee S. (codename Scarecrow)
Need help CJ and MaryAnne?
3/27/00 5:19 pm
Hi there,
Not many have heard of me as of yet, because I have just entered Hazzard
to meet my half brother, Bo, but I'd rather just call him my brother,
and to see my two cousins. So I am Kristy Duke I hear you all have
some sort of a war going on. To let all of you know I am willing and
able to help out any Dukes even if they are parting with one Rosco
P. Coltrane for a change. I guess his cousin has helped out there,
MaryAnne. So just say my name and I will be there to help you with
whatever you need help with. OK?
Friends W/ CJ, Dukes, and MaryAnne
Kristy Alex Duke
MaryAnne and CJ, need any help?
3/27/00 5:27pm
Once again, some of you or many of you may not know of me as of yet.
Well you better stay tuned for you will be hearing from me a lot more,
now that I have entered Hazzard to meet my long lost brother, Bo, ok
he is only my half brother, but I'd rather just call him my brother.
I am also here to meet my cousin and best friend since childhood, Daisy
Duke. My name is Kristy Duke, or Kristy Alex Duke.
I hear there is some sort of a war going on. If you were to ask which side I am on, I'd say I'm on my brothers and my cousin's side as well as that Rosco P. Coltrane and his cousin, MaryAnne. So Maryanne, Rosco, and CJ if you need any help I am willing and able to fight that Brian Coltrane any day. So just give me a holler and I will be there to help y'all out as much as possible.
Over and out
Re: Need help CJ and MaryAnne?
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/27/00 6:40 pm
Howdy Kristy!
First, I apologize for the crisis. Not a thing to have to tend with when first coming to a place. But all the help we can get, we surely appreciate. Don't listen to a word that no good Brian Coltrane says. He will soon see the mistake he's made by coming here...
At least one of Bo's siblings has some SENSE to join with us, instead of with that skunk. :)
Re: MaryAnne and CJ, need any help?
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/27/00 6:59pm
That's a big ten-four, Kristy! Welcome to Hazzard, I only wish we weren't in a crisis at the moment. When we all get through it tho', you'll find Hazzard to be a great place to live. This crisis alone shows that we all band together to fight a common enemy (well, SOME of us join together). I'm afraid that Bo's other sibling has turned on us.
However, that is a small detail. Brian Coltrane will soon see he's made a mistake by coming here...
Re: Brian Coltrane
3/27/00 8:26 pm
I think that more action needs to be taken against this tank town. Like blow up a few things and watch the fires burn the town down. Or how about good old fashioned torture of 'some' people ;) Know a perfect location to take 'prisoners' C'mon, Bri, just kick it up a notch - all in fun of course.
Black Sheep
(You know I love mayhem, Bri. Don't worry I won't do anything except
by your command :)
No worry
3/27/00 9:31 pm
Well MaryAnne, I see what you say about coming in at a bad time and all. I hate to see all this violence going on in such a small peaceful town such as this. I once lived here, before my mom passed away and then moved in with my dad in Atlanta. I have had enough fights with my old job in Atlanta where I was working with Social Service with inner city children with troubled lives. So I should be able to help you and everyone else on our side to catch Brian and all his side, even if my other sibling did join his side. She must've forgotten what mama always taught us before the so-called-accident happened: that is: to be kind to others and to do to others of what you would want to be done to you and that violence is never good. Maybe we all should go give her a talkin' too so she'll remember. Tell me what I can do to help everyone out that I can. So tell me what to do and I will do it.
Over and out
Oh yeah if I think of any ideas along the way I'll dish 'em out to see what y'all think (see what my cousins got me doing, talking like them now)
Keep it between the ditches
Kristy Duke
Tell me what I can do to help
3/27/00 9:36pm
Hi MaryAnne and the rest of the side,
I see what you are saying MaryAnne about me coming in at the wrong time.
I hate to see this happening to a nice peaceful town such as Hazzard.
I once lived here before my mother died in a so called accident. But
anyhow, since then I lived in Atlanta with my dad, my step mother,
and my two other half brothers, which are more like brothers to me.
Therefore I have worked with the Social Service to help inner city
kids with trouble souls and to place them in rightful homes. So if
I can deal with troubled teens, I should come in handy when coming
to Brian and his distasteful team, even if my so-called-sibling joined
them. Just think of what mama would be saying.
So just tell me what I can do to help.
Over and out
Re: Need help CJ and MaryAnne?
Daney Duke
3/27/00 10:39pm
You have any openings left in the syndicate for another Duke girl?
Namely me, I'm tired of being left out of things in Hazzard. I've decided
my cousin Min is right (she always is you know) to take your side.
So let me know if you want my help and what I can do to help you and
Daney Duke
Attn: Syndicate Members
Brian Coltrane
3/27/00 11:42 pm
Awright, listen up ya'll. Min, Black Sheep, Scarecrow - I'm glad to have you all on board. Min, you're doin' great. Now keep an eye out for Boss and any sneaky Dukes. Black Sheep, you have an appetite for mayhem that I'm sure we can satisfy here. But in the meantime, just keep your eye on the law. Scarecrow, the rest of the town is your job. Nobody makes a move in this county without me knowin' it.
In other business, we've got a new face in town asking to join us. Goes by Daney. I want you three to check out her background. I'm concerned that she could be part of the law, tryin' to infiltrate the Syndicate. It's just the kind of trick that MaryAnne would have somebody pull.
One last thing...don't leave the hideout unarmed. This is a small town, but it's riled up. Things are gettin' dangerous. Now, Rosco couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a civil war cannon, so he's not a problem. But if you're wonderin' how I got this wounded shoulder, it's only because I was directly in front of his gun at the time. Yeah, lucky shot. Anyway, watch out for MaryAnne. She's a decent sharpshooter. Fortunately, she's got this good-guy mentality that holds her back. I, however, have no such handicap. *evil KHEE*
That's all for now. You have your orders. See to them, and report back at the hideout.
Brian Coltrane
Re: Attn: Syndicate Members
Daney Duke
3/28/00 12:42 am
This is not a trick of that cousin of yours. After reading how my cousin Kristy left me out of her post and then little Cindy Janice left me out as well, I see I am not a beloved member of the family. This town isn't big enough for 5 Duke girls. I say we not only to get rid of Rosco Boss MaryAnne Enos but all of them cousins of mine as well, all of them.
Re: Attn: Syndicate Members
3/28/00 12:44 am
Bri, I think you may be right about that Daney Duke as she was eager to be a deputy just a short time ago and was in full support of the local law. I feel that you should be wary of her.
Black Sheep
Re: Attn: Syndicate Members
12:52 am
Bri perhaps you should give her a little test to prove her loyalties. Something that would prove without a doubt whose side she is really on.
Black Sheep
Re: Attn: Syndicate Members
Cindy Duke
3/28/00 2:08 am
Look here you turncoat cousin. If you want to be in Brian Coltrane's
gang then fine but your no longer a cousin of mine you black Duke family
member just like Min is and Brian can have you. I don't care anymore
ex-cousin nor do I want to see ya again you ex-Duke you. CJ Duke
Brian's Orders
Agent Lee S.
3/28/00 3:50 am
I agree with Black Sheep you need to check out this new Duke defector carefully, I'll run her name through my contacts and see if I can dig up any dirt. As for watching the rest of the town there's really only one person I'm worried about...that no good trouble makin' friend of the Duke's named Davenport...I think that if he gets wind of this he could be real trouble...And I'm keeping my eye on the rest of 'em for ya. It's always the peaceful seeming towns where trouble lies.
Syndicate Members
3/28/00 4:31 am
Now listen here, you rat-scum renegades!!
You dare touch one more hair on the head of any Duke or Coltrane in this county and you'll be answering to me. I may also be a new face in this town, but I've got my loyalties and they are on the side of the law and this town. Not to mention I'm a pretty decent shot.
Over and out.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/28/00 7:24 am
I'm afraid your plans are too little too late there Brian. You think Rosco's not gonna be a problem? Muhahahahahahah....
My good-guy mentality is not a handicap in my shooting ability. You'll get yours....
Daney, you've made a mistake girl. I can't believe you would turn on your kin. If this is how you want it, fine. You'll be the one to live with the consequences...if Brian allows you to live.
*It's just the kind of trick MaryAnne would have somebody pull* Oh, so you think you have me all figured out huh, Brian? However, your cognitive mentality does not allow you to think on the same level as me (whether you consider it to be above or below me, that doesn't matter). The point is, I'm gonna keep you on your toes. I'm gonna keep you guessing. You better not blink...because you'll miss something...
Syndicate Members
3/28/00 10:16 am
I agree, I think that my dear cousin Daney is EXTREMELY eager... a sure sign that she MIGHT be a spy. I say we DO test her. And I have a good way TOO test her. But of course I need your say so Brian.
Re: Tell me what I can do to help
3/28/00 10:24am
Hello Kristy...
Well you better just go BACK to Atlanta, Hazzard is going to become a WAR ZONE, and here is another log to the fire. I got BIG NEWS for all of you Deputies... another DUKE has joined the Syndicate. Bo has FINALLY come to his senses and wants to join the team! :)
ATTENTION Syndicate Members!!
3/28/00 10:27 am
Brian, Scarecrow, Black Sheep.. I got GREAT NEWS!! My brother wants to join the team! He just sent me a message saying he wants to join up! :) Brian could you tolerate another Duke in your organization? I'm so happy my brother has finally come to his senses!
Re: Attn: Syndicate Members
Daney Duke
3/28/00 1:59 pm
I'll agree to anything Min and you agree to test my loyalty. I'll kidnap anyone you want, get rid of any one you want, what ever you want. You name and I'll do.
Way to go Min
Daney Duke
3/28/00 1:52pm
Great job on getting Bo to join Brian!
Re: Way to go
3/28/00 2:10pm
It wasn't hard.. all I had to do was tell him that he could get REVENGE on Boss and Rosco and he was ALL for it! And I'm telling you now Daney, if you FAIL this loyalty test and are really some sort of spy... it will be the LAST mistake you ever make.
Loyalty Test
3/28/00 2:16 pm
Just WAIT till you see the kinda test I have in mine for Daney. It is a DOOZY! One that will PROVE beyond a SHADOW of a doubt which side her bread's buttered on. :)
Re: Loyalty Test
Cindy Duke
3/28/00 3:09 pm
Your better think twice if you think my cousin Bo is going to join you
and Bian Coltrone cuase it will be a cold day in Hazzard until my Big
brother cousin will join you! CJ Duke
Re: Way to go Min
CJ Duke
3/28/00 3:13 pm
Bo joined you? Where's you proof? Beside how do you know Bo isn't a spy
either? CJ Duke
Re: Loyalty Test
3/28/00 3:32 pm
*Laughing hysterically* oh poor little NAIVE CJ!
*patting her on the head* its too LATE! He's already joined the party
and there ain't a THING you can DO about it!
Re: Way to go Min
DukesFann1 3/28/00 3:35pm
Oh believe ME CJ, Bo is not a SPY! I know my brother better than anyone and I know he's not and if it’s PROOF you need, I will have him POST a message...
It’s absolutely TRUE!
Bo James Duke
3/28/00 4:05pm
Hey y'all,
It is the truth, I have decided to join up with the bad guys. Min didn't have to do a lot of pressing to get me to see things her way. Sorry if no one can deal with it but I thought it was about time I did something on my own without the approval or disapproval of Uncle Jesse, Luke, or Daisy. I am a grown man and can do things without their permission. Sorry if no one likes it but y'all are just gonna have to deal with it because Bo Duke is finally doing what he wants in Hazzard.
Please wake me from this nightmare!
3/28/00 6:03pm
Please say this isn't happening! NO! Bo will have to join the right side once he knows how violent an awful that Brian is. Or once Uncle Jesse talks some sense into him. What all did you do to convince him to go to your side, Min? Seeing on what side you are on you probably kidnapped him and drugged him and forced him to join.
Someone please wake me up from this awful nightmare to tell me this is not so. Bo would never do such a thing. We all got to help him to make the right decision.
Kristy Duke
Bo Duke
3/28/00 6:11 pm
My little brother would never do such a thing. Though I don't know all about him as of yet, I know Uncle Jesse has brought him up with better values than that. So you better think again if you really think that he is on your side. So let my brother, our brother go Min. You know better than to do that. Oh and Min, I am never returning to Atlanta, even though there is this huge mess going on I believe once that this all dies down, with you and Brian being the sore loosers of the deal, I will learn to really enjoy the open land instead of all the buildings and heavy traffic. So you better get used to me now or you'll be paying back later.
Bo come home.
Kristy Duke
Re: Please wake me from this nightmare!
3/28/00 6:40pm
*laughing loudly* I'm SO sorry Kristy but he's ALREADY joined The Syndicate and I didn't kidnap him or drug him or brain wash him. I didn't force him to join he did it WILLINGLY! This isn't a DREAM this is REALITY so you better get used to it. Bo's with us now and there ain't nothing anyone can DO about it! :)
Re: Bo Duke
3/28/00 6:47 pm
For the LAST TIME.. Bo HAS joined the Syndicate and Uncle Jesse and Luke had absolutely no part in his decision. He is on the Syndicate's side now and there he is going to STAY. I'm not going to let him go because he came on his own. And aren’t you a FIESTY ONE! LOL
3/28/00 7:39 pm
Considering one important detail .... you know it ain't true that Bo is chosen crime. Perhaps you should reconsider the loyalty of his sister as well. Did you really check her out before allowing her to join. You wanted Daney checked out but did you check out Min.... ;)
Black Sheep
Re: Bo Duke
3/28/00 7:56 pm
Well I am willing to do what it may take to persuade Bo Duke to return to his rightful home, and if it takes being feisty, then I will have to be feisty. Bo knows better than to resort to the life of crime so he must be messin with you or something. ONCE MORE; CRIME NEVER PAYS!!! So if so he went willingly then I will try what it takes to persuade him to return home and away from your life of crime and violence.
Over and Out
Kristy A. Duke
Re: It’s absolutely TRUE!
3/28/00 8:23pm
A word with you, Min...
Brian Coltrane
3/28/00 10:58 pm
It's time you and I had a heart to heart talk. You may have misunderstood how things work in the Syndicate. Ya see, I get edgy whenever somebody gets too ambitious. And you, my aspiring young criminal, are makin' me edgy.
You kidnapped one Duke, and then let him go on my order. But now you've supposedly recruited another. It's too risky. I've been gettin' heat from the law, and as of this moment, everyone is under suspicion. Them Dukes have worked for the Feds before. Bo goes. This is for your safety, Min, as well as the safety of the entire Syndicate.
*leans forward and looks you in the eye* I'd really hate to have another
misunderstandin' between us, Min. Consider this a friendly reminder
of who's in charge. People disappear when I get edgy...
Re: A word with you, Min...
12:14 am
Min, get the hell out of there before you get yourself killed! And bring Lulu back with you!!!!
3/29/00 1:02am
Okay, so I'm gone for a few days and the world falls apart on me! Now, I don't have a character of my own to play, so I'm not sure how to call myself... but I'm definitely rooting for MaryAnne and the Dukes! Minus Bo and Min. I still can't believe this is happening... how could Min, who's always had such a strong sense of right and wrong, choose the wrong? And Bo, how in the world could you turn your back on Luke? You boys are nearly as close as you and Min are!
Obviously something's wrong here, ya'll….. This ain’t normal for the Dukes.
Sarah (friend of the Dukes', I guess)
Newcomer to fight
3/29/00 1:30 am
I'm keeping my identity secret, but I know one thing -- I know which side I'm on. And I'm not afraid to hit what I aim at, either. You don't know who I am, syndicate, so you can't hunt me down...
*Slips through woods silently, comes up on Brian, takes careful aim and
fires an arrow. It hits him in his right hand -- his shooting hand,
and he cries out and doubles over, spinning to attack his attacker.
But the shadow-on-shadow is gone... leaving a note. It says, "Let
the Dukes go, Min, Bo, and Daney... alive... or you will regret it.*
Warning to newcomer
Brian Coltrane
3/29/00 1:55 am
Awright, you sniper. I go outside to get the newspaper and ya take a
cheap shot. I'll be sure to tell MaryAnne and Rosco that they can blame
you for what happens next....
Boss Brian
Daney Duke
3/29/00 2:05 am
I'm waiting to show my loyalty to you. Anything you want to know that Min hasn't already told you. I'll be glad to tell you. And I hope my test has something to do with getting rid of that pesky ex cousin of mine, CJ Duke. She also thought I liked her best. Well a half Duke(CJ) can be wrong.
Re: Boss Brian
Cindy Duke
3/29/00 2:11 am
Brian, You better reconsider about Bo joining you cause like Kristy says
my Big Brother cousin would never join you not in a million years.
Oh and Daney I wouldn't cause I can shoot pretty well with my bow and
arrows half Duke or not. Just ask Bo and Luke Duke. Also Brian you
better let Great Aunt Lulu go you hear? CJ Duke
Brian Coltrane
3/29/00 2:14 am
Okay, kid, I'll give ya a chance. Tell me how many gosh-dang Dukes we've
got in this rotten county. I want 'em numbered down to the fifth cousin.
Leave the information posted right here. I'll look at it later. Brian
Re: It’s absolutely TRUE!
CJ Duke
3/29/00 2:22am
NO BO please NO! I admit that I ain't the best little cousin you wanted or the perfect one because I'm half Duke and half Hogg.
However I will respect your wishes if you don't want me around anymore
especially since I'm the pest Duke cousin and do what I have to do
to make sure never to bother you again. (cries forming) I just hope
that Luke will take care of Rebel and Roy as well after I'm gone. Good-bye
friends family and ex-cousins. CJ Duke
Re: It’s absolutely TRUE!
S_ Stodola
3/29/00 2:40am
NO!!!, CJ! Don't let it get to you, at least not that much. Don't give up yet; we'll resolve this somehow!
Re: Warning to newcomer
3/29/00 2:43 am
Just a warning, Brian. Leave Hazzard or *I* won't be held responsible for what happens to *you*.
Re: A word with you, Min...
3/29/00 2:58 am
Very well, Bo is gone.. I will return him to the farm. He has no knowledge of our hideout or anything. I am very sorry if I am making you edgy, just having too much FUN! I promise it won’t happen again... I will do NOTHING without your say so.
Re: Boss Brian
3/29/00 3:02 am
Brian never asked for Bo to come, nor did he want him around. If you
insist on blaming someone it was your own kin Min who acted on her
own according.
To Brian
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/29/00 3:56 am
This has gotten way out of hand. Brian, I don't like violence. I love this town and its people and I don't wanna see them hurt. It's obvious you have us outnumbered and you're more willin' to use force and violence than we are. (Sorry, MaryAnne. You put up a brave front, sweetheart, but you know as well as I that we just don't have it in us.)
I'm willing to make a deal with you Brian. If you let Lulu go unharmed and no one else gets hurt...you can have me... *sigh*... and the town. All I ask is that you let me keep my job as sheriff and give me a small cut of the take.
I'm sorry, y'all. I wish things were different, but they aren't. This is the only way I know how to avoid any bloodshed. Some of you may hate me for this decision, but I'd rather live with that than any further violence.
Meet me at Possum Holler to seal the deal.
*slowly puts cb down, sighs heavily, and puts head in hands*
To Boss…
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/29/00 4:02am
I'm gunna get Lulu back, little chubby buddy... but in my own way. I'll be making a broadcast to Brian from the Hazzard County Sheriff's Dept. You'll get the details then.
Boss Brian
Daney Duke
3/29/00 8:01 am
Well you know Min. There's Bo and Luke and Daisy. Then there's that new half sister of Bo's from Atlanta, Kristy. We use to have cousins named Coy and Vance, but no one has seen them or heard from them in years nor has any one heard from Luke's half brother Judd since he only came to visit that one time.
Then there is Jeb who has a sister Dixie but he hasn't been seen in years either who lives over in Placid County, he's CJ and Roy's uncle since he was the younger brother of CJ's dad Jack and Roy's dad James who were killed when CJ and Roy was 6. Which brings me to the last of the cousins, Roy Beauregard and Cindy Janice Lukas ( CJ also has a twin brother Dusty who has been missing for years).
Cindy(CJ) is the one to watch out for. She looks up to Luke and counts
on him for everything. It's sickening how everything has to revolve
around her and Luke. Need any more info? Daney
Little CJ
Daney Duke
3/29/00 9:11 am
Why do I need to ask Bo and Luke anything about you? Did you forget I have been there along. And that little blue bow and arrow set the boys bought you isn't going to help you.
Re: Little CJ
Cindy Duke
3/29/00 9:27 am
Yes you've been there as well as Bo. However you forget that when I would
ask you for anythig or want advice you would tell me to go see Luke,Bo
was the same way as well. I hope your satisified you turn coat Duke.
CJ Duke
Re: Little CJ
Daney Duke
3/29/0010:41 am
(Gets in Breeze and shouts into the mic)
Alright CJ,
Thats it. I never pushed you away and you know better. I don't need anyone's
permission to beat a lesson into you. I'll meet you anywhere you want
if you aren't to chicken to fight. So what's it going to be? Are you
going to run and hide? Or do you have the guts to come alone. 10 4
over and out"(Smiles as she throws the cb to the floor and Breeze
zooms out onto Old Ridge Road from the Duke farm)
Re: To Brian
3/29/00 12:29 pm
Oh, no, Rosco, please don't say you're giving up this fight! I'm sorry
if I went a little too far; I guess Bo ain't the only Duke with a temper.
Especially when my family is in trouble. I'll promise I'll only work
under your order from now on, if that's what you want. I'll even be
open about who I am if you ask it. Just don't give up on Hazzard now...
this is our home and I sure as heck ain't giving up on it anytime soon.
We've won battles by trickery before without having to resort to true
violence, against enemies every bit as dangerous as Brian. We can do
it again. I just wish I knew which of my kinfolk to trust. This is
tearing me apart inside, being on opposite sides. Please come home,
Bo. Please.
Re: Little CJ
Cindy Duke
3/29/00 3:13 pm
(angerily grabs Rebel's CB mic) NO I'm not too chicken to face or fight
you cuz and if its a showdown you want then a showdown it is just Duke
against Duke. Just name the time and place and I'll be there. No friends
or cousins just you and me one on one. CJ Duke (screetches Rebel's
tires as she drives away from her grandparents’ farm)
Duke Show Down
CJ Duke
3/29/00 3:18pm
Well Daney got my Duke dander up now calling me a CHICKEN AND ALL WELL
I'LL HOW HER. I MADE MY REPLY ON THE HCSD and now it looks like me
and her are going to have a showdown to prove that. So Bo and Luke
if you see this and something happens to me please don't be sad or
reply. Just know that I loved all my cousins. Ok Brian to wanted to
see loyalty in Daney then you see loyalty cause it’s just her
and me Duke against Duke.
Re: To Brian
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/29/00 7:41 pm
*Sits in her patrol car for a moment after Rosco's broadcast. Heaves a sigh and picks up the CB mike*
Oh there's no need to apologize Rosco, I don't want to see anyone get hurt either. *pauses* But I can't forgive you for giving yourself for this. It looks like Brian was right about you. You are practically a charter member of the Syndicate!
*throws down CB mike in disgust*
3/29/00 8:03 pm
You've got deputies cooling their heels. I for one want to help. Whether
on foot or by motorcycle, I'm ready, willing, able, and a hell of a
good shot!
Re: To Brian
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/29/00 8:17 pm
*breathes deeply then lets out a long sigh*
MaryAnne, please don't make this any harder than it has to be. The only
way to avoid further bloodshed is to give them what they want. I don't
have much of a choice in this. You know that with the Syndicate moving
in, they ain't gunna let Boss pull his schemes no more and I can't
live off the piddly little salary he pays me.
I wish things could be different, but this is something I have to do.
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday.
*pauses, dwelling on MaryAnne's cutting words*
*snaps out of it and picks up the cb mic again*
Brian, if you're listening, you've won. I'll meet you at the appointed place at 4pm. I'll come alone and unarmed. I ask you do the same.
Rosco out.
Re: Little CJ
Daney Duke
3/30/00 1:51 am
Alright CJ,
Meet me at Bear Creek.
Min, is this the test you wanted to prove I'm not a spy. Just wondering
if Brian has decided or not. I'm gone. Daney signing off the Hazzard
Net (sets down the cb mic as Breeze pasts the interchange)
About time, Sheriff.
Brian Coltrane
3/30/00 2:00 am
The law never had a chance. You're right, you and MaryAnne could never
stop the Syndicate. It's smart of you to finally give up. And don't
worry about your pension...the Syndicate will make sure you get what's
comin' to ya. I'll see you at Possum Holler.
Re: To Brian
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/30/00 7:31 am
You're a fool, Rosco. A damn fool...
Re: About time, Sheriff.
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/30/00 7:35 am
Yeah, I'm sure you're gonna make things all nice and comfy for him ain't ya Brian? All out of the goodness of yer little tainted Coltrane heart. This battle isn't over. This deputy isn't giving up.
Re: Boss Brian
3/30/00 10:09 am
Excuse me Black Sheep? I'm afraid I don't know WHAT you are talking about. I don't blame anyone for anything. And as for you MaryAnne... I suggest you follow Rosco's example and surrender. It will make things a whole lot nicer and easier.
Re: About time, Sheriff.
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/30/00 10:59 am
I'm sorry, MaryAnne. Please don't make any trouble. I don't want to see you get hurt again.
*pauses to regain composure*
And MaryAnne... if I don't come back... please take care of Flash and Lulu for me.
*puts the mic down*
*whispers* I'm sorry...
Re: Boss Brian
3/30/00 12:39 pm
Surrender? What will life be like if we surrender? We'll always be watching
over our backs, and we won't own a thing. Like under Boss, only worse.
I ain't bowing my head to anybody's rule, especially not some city
idiot who doesn't think twice about killing another man.
Re: About time, Sheriff.
3/30/00 12:50 pm
Rosco, I can't believe you're doing this.
MaryAnne... You have at least one Duke on your side. I promise I'll stay there too. I await your command, mi'lady. :) We need a little humor in here, at least...
And Bo James Duke, would you get your tail over here and talk to me, please? At least TALK to me!! I don't even know where you are and it's driving me crazy! I swear I ain't angry at you; now, c'mere. :)
And CJ... don't get yourself killed. Please, little cousin. It ain't worth dying over. Nothing's worth dying over. There are other ways to win a fight.
I'm waiting for a reply from you, MaryAnne. You want this almost-vigilante on your team? I'm sorry about that; when I get really mad... well anyway. Until then, I'm still hiding out. I'm a wanted man, LOL. By Brian Coltrane, anyway. But I can't keep my identity a secret any longer, at least not from my friends.
Lukas K. Duke
Re: Min
3/30/00 1:41 pm
What I do know is that you have gone against Brian's orders several times
and seem to act upon your own personal vendetta, to which this town
blames Brian for.
Re: Little CJ
Cindy Duke
3/30/00 2:45 pm
Ok Daney I'l meet youther (sets down mic and drives Rebel down to bear
Creek until she sees Breeze flipped over and wrecked) Oh no (picks
up rebel's CB mic) Luke Bo,CJ calling please come in (no reply as anger
and tears build up) Dang it cousins! can you hear me or anyone one
out there please come over to Bear Creek Please. I'm only saying this
one Breeze has crashed Breeze has crashed I'm gone.
Here, yea! Here, yea!
3/30/00 4:32 pm
I, Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg, being of sound mind and body, herby renounce the office of Police Commissioner to MaryAnne Coltrane, the epitome of a good person. I will still serve as county mayor, but within the NORMAL laws of justice. No more speed traps! I also am using this podium to fire Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane for abandoning us in our time of need. I hearby swear in Enos Strate as the new sheriff of Hazzard County. I humbly wish to apologize for all I have done in the past and hereby cancel all mortgages on houses which means all homeowners own 100% of their land. The Hazzard Bank will still be there for loans, but with minimal interest fees! And to the Duke family, the charge book against y'all has been destroyed and your probation discontinued. And to you, Brian Coltrane, EAT SHIT AND DIE!
Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg
Re: Here, yea! Here, yea!
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/30/00 5:42 pm
Boss, please don't carry out those plans. It'll only serve to make Brian and his syndicate associates angry. I just want everyone to get through this unharmed. Might I remind you they still have my sister, your lambykins, hostage. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to her and I'm sure you feel the same way.
Please, I beg you. Reconsider your course of action before it's too late.
The town owes me, Boss...
Brian Coltrane
3/30/00 6:29 pm
For improvin' their lives already. My My, just look at how generous you can be! And all it took was a visit from your friendly neighborhood Syndicate. I'm glad you're heart's in the right place, Boss. It gives me a good feelin', just knowin' the positive impact I've had on Hazzard already. And once the Syndicate has completed its takeover, things will be even better.
Oh, but there's just one little detail. If you replace Rosco as Sheriff...you're gonna have to replace the entire police department. Not to mention your wife. Ya see, the Syndicate cooperates with the law...as long as it's the law that cooperates with us. And for now, that means we want Rosco as Sheriff.
I've shown alot of restraint with Hazzard, since y'all are just simple country folk. But my patience is nearing an end...and so are you, Boss.
Brian Coltrane
Syndicate Members, Listen up…
Brian Coltrane
3/30/00 7:15pm
I'm gonna meet with Rosco to formalize our takeover of Hazzard. He's showin' up unarmed. I'm showin' up armed to the teeth. I might trust the Sheriff, but I sure as heck don't trust the rest of this town. Now in the meantime, y'all have to stay sharp. Min, Black Sheep, try not to kill each other while I'm gone. Save it for somebody wearin' a badge. If Boss goes through with replacing Rosco as Sheriff...exterminate whoever gets the promotion. I don't care how you do it.
Scarecrow, keep an eye on the hostage. If Rosco's good to his word, we'll release Lulu Hogg. She was just a ploy from the beginning, and she's no use to us anymore. If we're doublecrossed, or this town makes trouble...then dispose of her.
Daney, welcome to the Syndicate. You're in, kid. Your job is to destroy Boss's Cadillac. While it's empty. This is just a warning for 'em. It's the only one he'll get.
*takes a moment to look at gang* Most of you are new to organized crime. But you've all performed like true criminals, and I couldn't be more proud. *gets misty eyed, enjoys a tender moment, and gets back to business*
Now that Hazzard is about to become a permanent base of operation for the Syndicate...you four are in line for promotion. Keep following directions, and you'll be crimelords in no time.
*loads gun, spins barrel. puts weapon inside inner pocket of leather
jacket. squares shoulders* You have your orders. I'm leaving for Possum
Holler. I'll be in
touch through the CB.
*gets in black Chevy and drives off*
Re: Syndicate Members, Listen up…
3/30/00 11:26pm
Black Sheep,
Brian is right, we should save it for someone wearing a badge. You are right, I am not here for my own personal scores but for the Syndicate. As I said, I was having too much fun and for my jumping the gun and taking matters into my own hands I apologize. We cannot be fighting with each other Black Sheep, I want to make peace between us.
Re: About time, Sheriff.
Bo James Duke
3/30/00 11:34 pm
I'm here Luke...I woke up back at the farm and I can’t seem to locate my sister, Min. I guess she’s at the hideout, wherever that might be.. she didn’t want me to know. She must have knocked me out and dropped me back home. I hope to hear from her soon.
Re: Duke Show Down
Bo James Duke
3/30/00 11:44pm
Duke versus Duke... I see... and what exactly does this accomplish? I don't want to see my kin beating each other up. We can all learn to get along, can't we?
Re: Little CJ
Daney Duke
3/31/00 12:02am
An unseen figure in the woods watched CJ pull over and walk to Breeze
after making a call on the cb. Daney shook her head and laughed as
she walked over to the jet black Barracuda she hid before wrecking
Breeze. She smiled as a message came over the cb.
Re: Little CJ
CJ Duke
3/31/00 12:39am
(on Rebel's cb mic) Bo and Luke this is the last time I'm calling you
now, your better answer me! Breeze has crashed at Bear Creek and if
you don't care to hear that you two Lost Sheep then (sadly) ten I guess
you don't care about your little cousin either and that’s fine
with cause this is my last message to you two heartless cousins over
the Hazzard net. (angrily) Good bye cousins I hope that you’re
both happy now! (looks at Breeze one last time before ripping out the
cb mic and throwing it out the window sadly)
Re: Duke Show Down
CJ Duke
3/31/00 12:42am
Afraid not cousin seeing how you and Luke didn't bother reply to my CB
message over at the HCSD. I just hope that you two are happy now. CJ
Re: Duke Show Down
Bo James Duke
3/31/00 1:02am
Happy? And what exactly am I supposed to be happy about? Before you go roaring off to lands unknown I think you should at least tell me what I did wrong.
Re: Duke Show Down
CJ Duke
3/31/00 2:09am
All I'll say cuz is that my CB message says that so just tell Luke bye
and not for either of you to look for me. Also this is the last message
to you two from your little cousin so you two don't have to worry about
a pest. CJ
Re: Syndicate Members, listen up…
Daney Duke
3/31/00 2:19am
Yes Black Sheep listen to my only cousin Min and please make up. I don't need to worry about you fighting while I am out on my little errand. Now I have a little surprise to make for Boss's caddy before I leave. Don’t worry about CJ, I got her taken care of. She’s taking a nice nap by the pond.
(Daney heads over to the black Barracuda and get in the trunk. Pulls
out a blue bow and arrow set and some dynamite. Smiles at the others
as she begins to plot her plan to blow Boss's caddy up.)
Callin’ All TRUE Dukes
MaryAnne Coltrane
3/31/00 7:46am
Bo, Luke, CJ, Kristy, Daisy, Jesse... everyone, git yer posteriors here to town NOW!
CJ...Daney's tricked ya, she's here in town about to blow up Boss's Caddy. She's gone with the life of crime, there's nothing we can do about that now. But I NEED your help CJ!! I need you and the boys to help me. And Bo, Luke...you two, and CJ, better be up to what I need y'all for...
Min... nevermind...I'm not going to waste words with you. You can go to hell for all I care.
Boss...I can't take the offer of the commissionership, (although I appreciate the vote of confidence!) Things are too HOT right now to be hiring and firing. Leave Rosco where he is...he'll be dealt with in due time.
Brian...bah! I ain't wastin' words with you either! You can join Min in hell.
Daney...if I get my hands on you I'm gonna strangle ya for turning your back on CJ and the rest of the Dukes. You can run...but you can't hide...
And Rosco...*eyes get misty* Rosco...I'm sorry too.... *pauses as a tear drop rolls down her cheek* Just be careful, cousin...be very careful...
Awright everyone, JUDGEMENT DAY is nigh! The time for talk is OVER.
Re: Duke Show Down
CJ Duke
4/1/00 8:40am
Yes right you love you cousin CJ so much that you and Bo don't bother
to go to check out Rebel lying at the bottom of Hazzard pond to see
if she is drowned or not. That certainly is cold you boys.
Re: Callin’ all TRUE Dukes
3/31/00 9:45am
OOO MaryAnne such LANGUAGE! I'm SOOO scared! LOL
Re: About time, Sheriff.
S_ Stodola
3/31/00 11:31am
Thank God you're safe, Bo. I wasn't sure what they would do with you... as much as I hate to, I have to admit I was kinda scared. :) I don't quite know what's going on with Min, but at least I still have you.
Re: Callin’ All TRUE Dukes
3/31/00 11:45am
I'm on my way, MaryAnne. I'll just call in Daisy and Uncle Jesse, and meet you at the courthouse.
Bo, are you with us? Or with Min? I'm still not sure, though you know I'll still love ya no matter what. :) But I do need to know whether or not to pick you up. I do have the General, after all. C'mon, cousin, let's do this together, the way we always have. Maybe we can still save Min, somehow. I know you love her, she's your sister, but don't let that come between us. We have a bond by blood, the strongest there is. (Fingers the scar on his hand where they became blood-brothers absently, then straightens and narrows his eyes. He can't help taking charge at least a little.)
CJ, listen to MaryAnne... we do care, and we would have responded to the CB message, except that I suspected it was a trap. Daney ain't dead!
Boss, just you stay where you are and don't worry about things like who to fire. This is life-and-death; who's in what office don't matter right now!
Rosco, yes, please be careful.
Min... oh Lord Min, how could you do this to us? I hope I never have to point an arrow your way.
Brian... MaryAnne said it about right!
I'm gone!
Re: Duke Show Down
3/31/00 11:27am
CJ, stop it, please. Please, let's try to keep this family at least somewhat together!!
Re: Duke Show Down
Daney Duke
3/31/00 12:08pm
The OSCARS. That's just too funny. Bo and Luke what's wrong, can't find
CJ? Looks like my order is going to be a piece a cake. (Laughs coldly
as she gets in the car and places the bow set with the dynamite arrows
on the seat and drives to town where she smiles when she spots Boss's
caddy out in front of the County Courthouse.)
Re: Callin’ All TRUE Dukes
Kristy Duke
3/31/00 5:07pm
I am on my way. I have just picked up my truck, "Silver Bullet" from Cooter's a few minutes ago. I will be there in a couple of minutes to help. So tell me what I can do to help out.
Over and out
3/31/00 7:01 to 7:06pm
MaryAnne Coltrane
You think I'm being funny, Min? Think again...
Dammit... Bo? Luke? Go find CJ for crying out loud. I need all the help I can get!!
That's a big ten four Kristy! See ya at the courthouse.
Later that afternoon…
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/31/00 8:14pm
*Rosco pulls up to the deserted Boar's Nest. The only car in the parking lot is MaryAnne's patrol car. Walks into the back office and hugs MaryAnne*
Rosco: "How you holdin' up, kiddo?"
MaryAnne: "I'm alright. You got me all misty on the radio there tho'. I'll be glad when this is all over with!"
Rosco: "Me too. It's just a matter of hours now. You have everything ready in town?"
MaryAnne: "All set. Everyone's at the courthouse waiting for the word."
Rosco: "Good. Things are all set at Possum Holler too. Now remember, I want you and your team of deputies to make sure the townsfolk are out of harm's way while we spring the trap. Be sure to brief them at the courthouse."
MaryAnne: "Will do, Sheriff." *gives a smile and sharp salute to her cousin.* "Now you be careful, ya hear?"
Rosco:*smiles back and returns the salute* "I will, sweetheart. Don't do nothin' heroic. That's what the reinforcements are for. You take care of yourself." *hugs MaryAnne tightly* "Oh, and MaryAnne... about what I said about taking care of Flash and Lulu?" *pauses* "I certainly hope you don't have to live up to that promise."
MaryAnne: "I don't believe I will, Rosco. We'll be allright...*hesitates* um, and I apologize for anything I said that was...uhh, somewhat hurtful. You know I was just playin' it up. You're certainly not a damn fool. Khee!"
Rosco: "Khee! Well, that depends on if I make it back ok, now doesn't it? It's almost time to meet Brian. I gotta git. Good luck!"
MaryAnne: "Good luck, cousin! See ya soon."
Meanwhile, back in town… MaryAnne Coltrane 3/31/00 9:29pm
*MaryAnne's patrol car pulls up to the curb and the deputy jumps out,
runs up the steps*
*looks around at Daisy, Jesse, Cooter, Bo, Roy, Kristy, Flash, Bandit, Boss...(LOL..man, gotta enough folks here! LOL) Awright, everyone here's what what's goin down...wait a minute, Where's Luke?
Daisy: "He went lookin' for CJ, MaryAnne."
MaryAnne: "Well they both better hurry up and get back here. We've got everything happening now. Rosco called the State Patrol and we've got more roadblocks than you can shake a stick at. The FBI's backing up Rosco at Possum Holler. Now the State Patrol and me, Rosco, Enos, and Cletus will handle the official stuff such as arrestin' and all that. Y'all are welcome to taunt the crooks and assist us in apprehension but DO NOT try to get them yourselves!"
*hears commotion on the CB. Goes over to the radio set on the booking desk and listens*
"Lulu's safe, Boss!!
Alright everyone...let's get a move on and keep your CB's tuned!"
In Possum Holler…
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/31/00 10:40pm
*Rosco pulls his patrol car slowly down into dimly lit Possum Holler.
He sees the faint outline of Brian's black Chevy through the thick
grove of trees. He carefully loads the shotgun on the seat next to
him and then rechecks the ammo in his revolver. He places the revolver
back in its holster behind his back. He picks up his hat from the dash,
places it on his head, and opens the car door. Still standing behind
the door he calls out to Brian.*
Rosco: "I see you're early. Guess you wanna get this over with
as much as I do."
*Brian was leaning casually against the front fender of the Chevy, with
his arms folded. One hand was tucked inside his jacket.*
Brian: "You could say that."
Rosco: "Why don't you come out here where I can see your ugly face?"
Brian: "If it's ugly, it's onconna the Coltrane half of my genes," Brian shot back. "Why don't you come over here, and convince me that you're on my side?"
Rosco: "We'll both step out.. on the count of three. Arms raised."
*Brian didn't like it.*
Brian: "And why should I raise my arms? We agreed to come here
without weapons."
Rosco: "Well, then. If you're not carrying, then you should have no objections. I gotta see if I can trust you before I start workin' for you. Trust is important in a business relationship."
Brian: "Not this one."
*Rosco hesitated, not sure how to handle the situation. He lowered his head in thought. A few moments later, he raised it.*
Rosco: "How's Lulu?"
Brian: "Hungry. We're givin' her three bags a groceries a day as rations, and she's chewing on the walls."
*Rosco chuckled. Then he turned serious.*
Rosco: "Look, if you let her go, I'll take that as a sign of good faith and I'll step out. Enos and Cletus are stationed 2 miles north of your base. Have one of your cronies drop her off there and as soon as I hear from Enos on the cb, I'm all yours."
*Brian studied Rosco a moment then agreed*
Brian: "Awright. I can't afford to keep 'er at this rate anyhow."
*Brian kept an eye on Rosco and reached in the Chevy for the CB.* "Scarecrow,
release Mrs. Hogg, two miles north of our command center. The Sheriff's
cooperatin'." *Brian hung up the CB, knowing he'd be obeyed with
out question.*
*Rosco smiled, knowing it was a matter of minutes until his sister would be free and the first trap would be sprung on the one called Scarecrow.*
*Rosco and Brian engaged in a little chit chat, mostly consisting of insults and idle threats until Enos came on the cb informing the sheriff that his sister was safe.*
Rosco: "Alright, Brian. I accept your gesture of good faith. But there's one more thing I'd like you to do for me. Come out with your hands up."
*Rosco reached behind his back and firmly grasped his revolver.*
Rosco: "Oh, and one more thing... touch that cb again, and you're dead."
*Brian's dark eyes went cold, and he stared menacingly at the Sheriff*
"You take me down, and the Syndicate will pay you back with compound interest. Don't be stupid."
*Brian's hand moved fractionally inside his jacket*
(continued 3/31/00 10:43pm)
Rosco: "You honestly think they have any loyalty to you? They'd
kill you themselves in a New York minute if you stepped out of line
just once. Who's to say word won't slip out how you squealed on some
of their finest hit men. The
FBI has files on some of your boys with sensitive information I'm sure
the Syndicate doesn't know they have. Don't they, Special Agent Maxwell?"
Agent Maxwell (uncomfortably close to Brian): "Damn straight!"
Rosco: "I bet they could make it look like you copped a plea to save your own neck.. a little information for a shorter sentence."
*Brian jumped at the sound of a voice behind him. He glared at Rosco with undisguised malice.*
Brian: "I see that your word is worth as much as your badge...Sheriff."
*Brian kept his hand inside his jacket*
Brian: "And I was tryin' to avoid bloodshed."
Rosco: "And I see yours is too. You'd better bring your hand out of your jacket real slowlike WITHOUT your weapon, or my friends here will have no qualms about splattering you all over your Chevy for attempting to murder a county sheriff. Boys, maybe you should count off, just so he knows what he's up against. Might help him come to a decision faster."
*Rosco smirked knowing he had the upper hand now.*
*Agent Maxwell called off each of the agents and officers under his command by name. As their name was called, each man fired a volley of bullets into the air away from Possum Holler.*
*Rosco continued.*
Rosco: "You should be impressed we thought you were worth this much manpower."
*Brian flinched as each shot echoed into the hills, but he held his ground and his stance*
Brian: "I'm impressed, all right. Flattered, as a matter of fact." *Brian's eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath* "How 'bout it, Sheriff? Want the honor?" *Brian took two bold steps forward, hand still on his concealed weapon.* "Go ahead. Be a hero. Shoot your own kin."
*Rosco stepped back, pulled his revolver out of his holster, rested his hands on the top of the patrol car door, and drew a bead on Brian.*
Rosco: "You don't dare want to call my bluff, boy. I certainly don't want to shoot you, but after what you did to MaryAnne, I won't spend much time grieving over you if I have to. I don't think you want it to end this way, Brian."
*Brian pulled his hand out of his pocket without drawing his gun. He walked towards Rosco with his arms open, though not raised.*
Brian: "I don't think you do, either. You had no business bringin' in the Feds, Sheriff. I would have worked with ya."
*Rosco's face grew red with anger.*
Rosco: "Oh I didn't, did I? Did you honestly think I'd work with you after you nearly killed my cousin, kidnapped my sister, and tore this town apart?!" *Rosco gritted his teeth and growled* "I'd rather die first."
Brian: "Sure. But would you kill first?" *Brian stood directly in point-blank range.*
Rosco: "Don't tempt me."
*Rosco drew back the hammer on his revolver. The other men cocked their weapons as well and the sound echoed through the hollow.*
*At the sound of the hammers clicking around him, Brian's expression became resigned.*
Brian: "You're a better Sheriff than I thought, cousin." *Brian's
hand started to make a gradual stray back to his jacket.*
3/31/00 10:49pm
<And we pause for a brief intermission. Brian and Rosco are takin'
a break as they figure out how to resolve this thing. They'll resume
in just a little bit. *cheesy elevator music begins playing*>
In Possum Holler (yet again)
Rosco P. Coltrane
3/31/00 10:57pm
Rosco: "Hold it, Brian! Keep that hand right where it is!"
*Rosco adjusted his grip on his revolver.*
*Brian freezes*
Brian: "I'll make you a deal. Drop me off over the county line."
*Rosco shook his head.*
Rosco: "No deal. You're not going free."
*Brian saw the resolve in Rosco's eyes and made a hard decision. He slowly moved his hand away from his jacket, and raised his arms halfway.*
Brian: "You're lucky I don't want to hurt you, Sheriff."
Rosco: "You're lucky I don't want to hurt you either. That's the best decision you've made all week."
*Rosco's shoulders slumped as he sighed in relief, uncocked the hammer on his gun, and lowered the weapon. Agent Maxwell quickly came up behind Brian and locked his hands behind his head as other agents checked him for weapons. He then moved Brian's hands behind his back and cuffed him. Rosco landed in the driver's side seat with a heavy thud as his legs became jello beneath him. After collecting his thoughts for a moment, he radioed MaryAnne the message they had agreed upon beforehand to notify her of Brian's arrest without tipping off the other members of the gang.*
Rosco: "Songbird, this is Bear. The skunk is in the trunk. I repeat,
the skunk is in the trunk."
Re: Meanwhile, back in town
Daney Duke
4/1/00 12:49am
Daney seen all the cars outside the HCSD and that there is no one to
stop her since everyone is inside. She pulls the bow up and aims for
Boss's caddy. She looks at the bow * says quietly to herself “There's
no going back now.” *, she looked around one more time before
she pulled back on the bow.
4/1/00 3:40am
Private Room Identity
*Chase screeches through the streets in Monty, and pulls to a stop between the caddy and Daney's readied arrow*
Not so fast, Daney!! You didn't really think you could get away with it that easy, did you?
*She grabs Monty's cb mike. 'Songbird, Lost Sheep, anyone out there.
You may want to get your selves out front of the sheriff’s station,
stat. I've found Daney, and the situation ain't pretty.’ *
4/1/00 11:31am
County Cousin 2
Roy muttered" Dang it" as he heard Chase's message and ran from Cooter's where he was trying to get a loaner to go look for CJ to where Daney and Chase were. He shook his head as he walked up as the others pulled up around them. He said quietly" Chase, please. Let her go, it's more important right now to go find CJ. If my cousin were in her right mind she'd see that too. "
He turned to his older cousin and pleaded as she glared at all of them
"Daney, please don't do this, drop the bow and come home."
Then looked over to Mary Anne and the others as he sighed, "Right
y'all, Mary Anne you won't really let them take her and Min away if
they came home. We're friends and family after all!"
Re: Duke Show Down
4/1/00 2:07pm
(Getting out of character here for a moment)
Marlene, the reason I'm not having Luke go check it out is very simple -- I don't wanna play that CJ's dead!!! That isn't the kind of story I like, people I care about dying.
4/1/00 2:09pm
That's right. We won't let the cops take any Duke away. Just come home. C'mon, Daney...
*Luke steps forward down the steps one at a time, moving slow and easy,
holding one hand out and gauging if he can grab the bow quick enough.*
4/1/00 2:35pm
Rosco P. Coltrane
*Right then, three of the plain clothes officers converged around Daney with their weapons drawn.*
Officer Meadows: "Put down your weapon!"
Re Duke Show Down
CJ Duke
4/1/00 6:11pm
No CJ is not dead nor will she be dead. Just because what I said in the
one message over at HCSD doesn't mean that she is dead ok. Boy try
to post some action into the story and everyone thinks your character
is dead.
4/1/00 9:04pm
MaryAnne Coltrane
*MaryAnne tells the officers to only hold Daney for questioning. there was a more pressing concern to be dealt with at the moment*
Luke, Roy, Bo! Git yer posteriors in yer cars and follow me to Hazzard Pond.
*Looks at Daney*
You better hope we find her...
4/2/00 1:13am
A sudden explosion breaks the silence. The fronts of several buildings
explode outwardly, sending glass and debris spraying into the street.
Black smoke, fogs everyone’s vision to cover Daney's escape.
"RUN DANEY!" *clicking of guns heard from unseen sources.*
A few ground rules here folks…
Rosco P. Coltrane
4/2/00 4:04am
No maimin', serious inj'ry, death, or massive destruction in this town, 'k? This is a G rated town.. at least we try to keep it that way. Good thing I had the foresight to get those reinforcements into town. Daney, ya might as well give up since all the roads outta town are blocked. Black Sheep, you just earned yerself a one way ticket to the state pen. The ten plain clothes officers in town should take care of ya alright. Besides, we got Brian. Three Feds are carting him off right now. And another two are takin' care of Scarecrow. That leaves me, the other 4 state troopers, Enos, and Cletus free to come to town and clean it up. There's law in this town after all.
Consider all yerselves warned.
The Sheriff
*shines badge*
4/2/00 10:38am
Daney Duke
Daney looked at the group of people and out of the corner of her hazel
eyes she spotted a motorcycle. She yells "Hey Min,” The group
of officers, her family and friends turn to see where Min is. Daney
ran for the bike…yelling to Rosco and MaryAnne "The roads
might be blocked but you didn't say nothing about going off road to
get out of here."
Off to…
MaryAnne Coltrane
4/2/00 3:18pm
Daney are you nuts!! *mutters to herself* Ten plain clothes cops, the rest of the posse here and Daney goes and pulls this???
*sees the plain clothes cops with their guns drawn* HOLD YER FIRE! She's crazy!! She's--- *the rest of her statement gets drowned out by the motorcycle and squealin' tires*
"MARYANNE!!" Rosco exclaims. "What the heck ya doin'?!? STOP HER!"
*Watches the motorcycle tear out of the square and starts running to her patrol car. Jumps in, guns the engine and begins the chase. After a couple of miles...realizes Daney's going straight to Hazzard Pond. Grabs up CB mike*
"I'm not tellin' y'all this AGAIN! Will somebody get their butt in gear and git out here and help me??? Daney's headin' to the pond...which is where JT last saw CJ. Something's up, and I need help. That means you too, ROSCO!" *Tosses the mike to the seat and continues to follow Daney*
Over At Hazzard Pond…
MaryAnne Coltrane
4/2/00 3:23pm
*The silence of the pond is shattered by the sound of a motorcycle engine and car. Daney stops the bike and jumps off and MaryAnne jumps out of her patrol car, with gun drawn and looks to Daney for an explanation*
4/2/00 5:12pm
Daney Duke
Daney looks sheepishly at Mary Anne, "Sorry about that. I didn't
think you would let me go look for CJ seeing how I was to be held for
questioning. But I wasn’t going to be blamed for something I didn’t
do. Brian gave us strict orders not to have any personal scores."
She looks at Mary Anne with a Cherishire grin.
4/2/00 5:54pm
MaryAnne Coltrane
"I didn't know you WANTED to go lookin' for CJ." *Sighs and is at least relieved that CJ is found alive*
"Are you alright CJ? What happened?" *as MaryAnne speaks, the General Lee and various other vehicles start to come up by the pond.*
4/2/00 7:54pm
CJ Duke
"About time someone showed up I felt like I was starting to get
roots there. Daney whacked me over the head." CJ replied to MaryAnne
as she chuckled a little as she saw the famous General Lee screech
up. Just as Daney was escorted away in handcuffs by an agent.
Wanted Bo and Luke Duke
CJ Duke
4/2/00 7:57pm
Bo and Luke are needed over at HCSD club to give their reply. At the
request of CJ Duke.
4/3/00 1:00am
Well well all's well that ends well... In Brian's case at least LOL .. Sorry various police officers but you may have gotten my Boss but not me...better luck next time!
Min (writing to you all from a secret location)
While all of this..
Kristy Duke
4/3/00 6:05pm
Kristy sits silently in the cab of her new Silverado truck's cab. The truck that she had gotten from her dad on her last birthday, she had everything there, only to leave it behind to find her long lost half brother and the rest of her mother's family that she seemed to love so much.
She stares through the leaves of the trees at the pond where the law talks to a person that she has never seen before. Someone who looks friendly and Kristy begins to think of how she wished she had more friends here in this new town that she once lived in before she had to move in with her dad and her step mother and her other two half brothers on her father's side. Boys, boys, and more boys. She takes a deep breath as she wishes that she did get to know the woman that the law is talking to, get to know and to become friends with, though she never was that good at the one to start a friendship. She was popular in her Atlanta private School, and out of school, but that was always because her best friend was popular, of which her best friend came over to greet her and was the one to be begin the friendship. Anyways Shelley, her best friend was very popular and all her friends began to like Kristy and that was why she had so many friends and was so popular in Atlanta. But now she sits in an odd town that is still feeling odd to her and it is all up to her to make the friends that she wishes, besides her cousin Daisy.
She sighs wishfully watching how MaryAnne talks to the stranger to Kristy and another friendly looking woman that she has never meant before. SO many people for such a small town. Though all she has seen since she has entered Hazzard to meet Bo, there has been this big war, and she has been feeling out of place. Jesse and the rest of the family is so tight and out all the time to try to help things calm down and try to stop the war. What is Kristy suppose to do? She has offered to help, though they seem to accept the help, they don't seem to accept her, not at all. They accept her help, though never telling her what to do. She has tried to help on what she thought she can do to help, but only being in the way of everyone.
She stares down at her small gold watch that her boyfriend in Atlanta had given her for her last birthday. Though that was six months ago and they have broken up over a dumb argument that should have never happened if he wasn't so jealous of her and her family. She sighs thinking of returning home, even though she had left thinking of moving to Hazzard, to the simple life instead of the busy life in Atlanta that seemed to stress her out and don't how much longer she could have handled it. Maybe if she would return home her and her other family would make up and she could make up with Mark, her ex-boyfriend. At least there she would feel into place and not feel in the way all the time.
Daisy seems to be so excited now that she has returned, though that is only one person wanting her to stay at the farm. Everyone else only seems to think of her as a pest and in the way, especially at a time like this when her help should be wanted. Though they know they need as much help as possible and now it is all winding down, they, she knows, do not want her. Not even her own half brother, no matter what she says to him he seems to ignore her and move as much as possible as he can from her.
She stares down the hill from the cab of the truck, thinking of the officers and the two fresh faces of which she wish she could get to know and to be friends with, though she knows she doesn't know how to make friends especially when they don't have anything in common, that is why she stand out and everyone stares at her as if she is different and as if they wish she would leave their town, the town that don't want her to enter though no one says anything. . .
Re: Over At Hazzard Pond…
Rosco P. Coltrane
4/3/00 8:38pm
*What Min didn't know was that if Brian was goin' down, he wasn't goin' down alone. He gave the Feds the exact location of Min and Black Sheep's new hideout. After incarcerating the other criminals, the team of 10 plain clothes officers from town, the 8 state troopers that were handling road blocks, and the 7 FBI agents and state troopers that handled Brian's arrest converged on the hideout. Before Min and Black Sheep knew what was happening, 10 canisters of tear gas blasted through the windows from every direction. Men equipped with special masks and goggles that allowed them to see through thick clouds of tear gas quickly subdued Min and Black Sheep and cuffed the two criminals. They led them to one of the waiting patrol cars outside and read them their rights. Brian was in one of the back of the cars, having lead the officers to the scene.*
Brian: "Hey, good to see you guys again! Sorry I had to rat on ya, but the Syndicate's legal team said it would do wonders for my plea bargain."
*Now THAT my friends, is a happy ending. =)*
Yeehaas and End Credits…
4/3/00 9:50pm
THANK GOD its over! LOL it was FUN especially being BAD but NOW can we get back to normal?? PLEASE???
Daney Duke
I agree Fawn,
It was FUN!
THANK YOU Lisa and Bonita so much for letting us join in.
I really enjoyed it. =)
4/4/00 1:56am
Agent S Lee
Is there such a thing as normal? This is Hazzard after all....
4/4/00 12:16pm
Yeah, that was fun. :) Now, I'm really glad that people worked a little with the character I was supposedly playing there in the end... cause I couldn't get this dang club to load for the last three days!!! Let's just say that I was with y'all in spirit. It was fun, though... even though I know we went way away from the fic's original plotline. LOL. How could we not, with everybody jumping in at once? But thank you, gals, for letting us do so.
4/4/00 7:02pm
Y'all did an amazing job! I loved reading daily what the soap opera had
in store for me!! Thanks for all the hard work!
Thank ya!
Brian Coltrane
4/5/00 11:19pm
To all those who stood bravely on the side of the law, and to those daring few who showed courage by joining the Syndicate: Thank you for the adventure. It was amazing to see so many Hazzardites rally to the cause (and rally against each other. LOL) And to any of you who read the message boards in pure bewilderment, but tolerated the fracas in good grace: thank you as well. We now resume our regular programming...you can come out now. LOL!
Before I take my leave of Hazzard, lemme just say for the record that I have nothin' but the utmost respect for Hazzard County law enforcement. (The fact that they outsmarted me has nothin' to do with this statement, I'm sayin' this voluntarily and only under the mildest coercion...Ow! MaryAnne, that's police brutality, ya know.)
Thanks again, ya'll. I'm gone.
Brian Coltrane
Yer welcome… now git outta town! Khee!
MaryAnne Coltrane
First of all, allow me to clarify that I, in no way was coersin' Brian to say what he did. (And if you accuse me of that again, I'll knock you into the middle of next week! Khee!) Ahem...but, I figure it's time for me to say something about all this.
You have proved to be quite a challenge, Brian (and Bonita), one that I willingly accepted and, I admit, I've even enjoyed. I know tho', that I'm not going to be coming out of this with no scars. To be honest, I originally viewed Brian as a threat, and that I had to do whatever I had to, to stop him. In my quest to prevent Brian from destroying Rosco and MaryAnne...I nearly destroyed them myself.
Neither Bonita nor I know what the ending of our story will entail. I hope it to be something of a happy one and one where a certain deputy can find forgiveness. And one where a certain Syndicate member realizes that he shot first and then decided to ask questions later!
It should be interesting....and it has been interesting... =)
MaryAnne Coltrane
Lee S. (former Federal Agent)
I just wanted to say thanks for letting us all participate...even if I am now sitting in a Federal Jail....I was tired of my Agency Job anyway! Brian, I was right you were a formerly worthy adversary and I was proud to stand with you during this fight. And to the Hazzard Law, you were very worthy adversaries...I'm proud to have fought against you and if anyone had to take me down, I am glad it was you.
Lee S. (former Federal Agent)
Khee! That was a lot of fun, wasn't it? And it might just happen again sometime if that sneaky Brian ever breaks loose and shows up in Hazzard. =)
Thank you all for participating.
Is there going to be an actual fanfic to come out of all this. I had
a blast participating, and if there is a fic, I can't wait to read
Keep it 'tween the ditches, ya'll!
Re: Thank you MaryAnne Coltrane 4/7/00 7:13am
Bonita and I are currently working on a fanfic story with Brian, MaryAnne, Rosco, and the Dukes. The story will not be exactly as what was played out here, yet this romp did make references to things that have happened in the story. As the balladeer once said, "Y'all better not go to the refrigerator now!"
Hey Chase! Brian Coltrane 4/7/00 6:48pm
Although the upcomin' fanfics aren't directly related to the happenin's
in the message board, I don't see why somebody couldn't put what's
been done here into a story format, and add a little fillin'. Hmmm.
Lemme chew this one over.
And admit it, Chase. You always did have Syndicate sympathies...heh heh
Private Room Identity 4/8/00 3:15am
Should I even honor that accusation with a response? hehehe j/k Hate to break it to ya, Brian, but I am definitely 100% on the side of the law! Better luck with the next newcomer to town.
Kristy Duke 4/8/00 2:54pm
Hi y'all,
I too thought that writing the fan-fic on the board was fun. I like what
I read. I wrote some parts in the story though I thought I should've
contributed more than I did. I was the one that wrote for Kristy Alex
Duke: my new character that I created up for my own personal stories
I write for the Dukes of Hazzard.
Take Care
Re: Thank you
4/10/00 2:21pm
It was certainly fun! :) Thank you again for allowing us all free reign in the game, although I know the fanfic plot will be somewhat different. LOL. I can't wait to read it, y'all!!